【英語多益通】英脫歐企業脫英 遷移英文怎麼說?


▲ 英國首相梅伊提出的脫歐協議闖關失敗。(圖/路透)

文/羅伊伶Janet Lo

梅伊脫歐協議闖關失敗,加上國會否決强硬脫歐,原訂3月29日就要脫歐的英國,確定脫歐期限跳票。但在英國尚未脫歐前,就已有許多企業打算先行「脫英」了!像荷蘭光是在2018年就已有42間企業遷移至此,其他歐洲國家如法國、義大利等更是用稅務減免(tax breaks)的方式引誘英國企業轉移,期待創造更多工作機會與利益(benefits)。就讓我們從這些遷移事件,來學習一些有關企業經營的多益單字吧!

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relocate (v.)遷移

A survey in 2017 showed that 40 percent of UK-based gaming companies are considering relocating.

Next year we may relocate to Boston.

The University may reassign staff members by transferring them from one position to another in the same classification.

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intention (n.)打算;意圖

The CEO of Denver Electronics intends to resign in three months.

Some companies including Discovery and Bloomberg have already announced their intention to invest in the Netherlands because of Brexit.

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In every criminal case, the prosecution must prove that the defendant had a particular intent.

solicit (v.)引誘;招攬

Part of the workers’ annual performance review was based on how many credit card applications they solicited throughout the year.

solicit其實翻成「推銷」更貼切,像台灣有些大樓前會寫「嚴禁推銷」,英文就是No Soliciting。另外,與solicit意思相近的lure,同樣有引誘、招攬之意,但lure較常用於利誘,比如說to lure customers back in with special offers(用特價商品利誘顧客回籠)。

而solicit可用於正反兩面,比如說to solicit donations for a charity(替慈善機構募款)或者是to solicit gang participation(誘導參與幫派活動)等正反兩面的情況,皆可使用solicit。


1. Due to the business expansion, they are considering ______ the headquarters from Texas to New York.
(A) relocate
(B) relocated
(C) relocating
(D) relocation

2. The Unicorn Photography Festival is a 9-day event held yearly during the first two weeks of March. This year the event will start from March 1st to 9th, 2019. The festival is purely run by volunteers. We encourage you to share your time and talent for this event by joining many of Michigan’s photography-loving people!

What is the purpose of the announcement?
(A) To attract exhibitors.
(B) To invite volunteers.
(C) To solicit sponsorships.
(D) To promote an event.


1.正解為(C)。題意為「因企業擴張的緣故,他們正在考慮是否應將總部從德州搬至紐約。」考慮做某件事的consider後面應接動名詞relocating。(A) relocate為原型動詞、(B) relocated為被動式、(D) relocation為名詞,因此僅(C) relocating符合此句文法結構。

