阿榮福利味/WinRAR Unlock - 破解WinRAR的鎖定壓縮檔


解除WinRAR的鎖定壓縮檔限制 - WinRAR Unlock,使用WinRAR製作壓縮檔的時候有「鎖定壓縮檔」的選項(但卻無法解除鎖定),是為了保護壓縮的內容不被修改,因此,當想要在有此類保護的壓縮檔內加入檔案時,不僅加入的按鈕是反白無法使用的,而且,如果想直接將檔案拖放進去,則會出現「無法更動鎖定的壓縮檔」之錯誤訊息!使用此工具可以解除被鎖定的EXE自解壓縮檔、RAR壓縮檔,順利在壓縮檔內加入新檔案。(阿榮)(下載

Occasionally, when distributing WinRAR archives, users might choose to lock them and prevent other people from modifying their contents. When you want to be able to edit these archives, you can rely on Winrar Unlock, a simple tool designed solely for this purpose.(Softpedia)

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