美國在台協會(AIT)公佈「六項保證」的解密電報後,美國國務院亞太助卿史達偉(David Stilwell)隨後逐條唸出6項保證的內容。不過,中華戰略學會研究員張競仔細比對兩者的說法,發現史達偉所唸文辭與原始外交電文不同,是否另有玄機仍待觀察,外交官員應聯繫美方說明清楚。
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張競在臉書發文表示,美國上海公報原文,The U.S. side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position.
據《中時電子報》報導,張競指出,史達偉在線上研討會時確實曾提到,「We have changed nothing about these longstanding policies. What we are doing, though, is making some important updates to our engagement with Taiwan to better reflect these policies and respond to changing circumstances. The adjustments are significant, but still well within the boundaries of our one-China policy.」但若是自作聰明亂改當年檔案所明白記述字辭,那就不再是雷根的六項保證,而是史達偉的六項保證囉!
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