【英語多益通】全球晶片 crunch危機 學多益金融製造業超實用單字


▲ 汽車芯片。(圖/CFP)


身為全球晶片最大買家之一的蘋果,即便擁有強大購買力,仍難逃供應鏈不足的問題。根據美系外資過去一個月的供應鏈追蹤報告指出,自疫情開始的全球晶片荒危機尚未解除, iPhone 13 相關零組件自九月起供應吃緊,目前市場謠傳,蘋果公司可能下修今年的iPhone 13生產目標。本次就讓我們來從相關新聞中學超實用商業英文吧!

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chip shortage/crunch 晶片荒

Apple Inc. is likely to slash its projected iPhone 13 production targets for 2021 by as many as 10 million units as prolonged chip shortages hit its flagship product, according to people with knowledge of the matter. (Bloomberg News)
(據知情人士透露,因為旗艦產品長期面臨晶片短缺,蘋果公司預計的 2021 年 iPhone 13 生產目標,可能將削減多達 1000 萬台。)

slash 字面上就是這「/」符號,近幾年常聽見的slashie「斜槓青年」即源於此字,名詞表示「斜線」之意,而這邊則為動詞,表示「大幅削減,大幅減少(金錢、工作等)」,在多益測驗中的金融或製造業主題中常出現。上面句子中的slash可與cut相互代換,但slash更能表示被刪減的幅度之大。搭配的常見用法有to slash prices/orders/overtime/budget 。

It’s reported that the government will slash taxes next year.

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chip在這邊指的「微晶片(microchip)」,是軍工、民用等的電子設備的必備的零件,2021年初疫情造成晶片需求量大增,汽車業、手機業、電子類產品都在搶晶片,造成大量短缺(shortage)。在本篇報導中,crunch與 shortage可互相替換。

Energy crunch stokes inflation, economic recovery concerns. (reuters.com)

crunch 做動詞時,表示「吃東西嘎吱作響地咬嚼」;當名詞時,則表示「短缺、艱難局面」,在財經詞彙中也經常使用,如credit crunch「信貸緊縮」,表示資產流動性降低時的經濟現象。

deliver/ship 出貨

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Broadcom Inc. and Texas Instruments Inc. are struggling to deliver enough components……Apple gets display parts from Texas Instruments, while Broadcom is its longtime supplier of wireless components. (Bloomberg News)
(博通和德州儀器正在努力提供足夠的組件。蘋果從德州儀器獲得顯示器配件, 博通則是其無線組件的長期供應商。)

deliver (v)表示「運送、遞送」。而運送寄出貨品,即「出貨」之意,這邊可與ship交互使用。名詞則可使用delivery與shipment。

To build more new revenue streams, Walmart can deliver goods sold by other businesses to customers, even if they don’t buy stuff at Walmart.

The online shop launched a same-day delivery service to attract more consumers.

此外,standard delivery「標準運送」與express delivery「快速到貨」也是生活或是職場商務英文的常見用法。

component (n)零件,是由字根「-com(together 一起)」、「-pon(to put 擺放)」與字尾「-ent(事物)」結合而成。在製造產業中,常與 parts、 unit互換使用。

The factory supplies aircraft parts for the world's top 10 airlines.

demand will continue to outpace supply供不應求

The technology giant is one of the world’s largest chip buyers and sets the annual rhythm for the electronics supply chain…...Major chipmakers have warned that demand will continue to outpace supply throughout next year and potentially beyond. (Bloomberg News)

在經濟學領域中,supply chain「供應鏈」涵蓋產品生產和流通過程中所涉及的原物料supplier「供應商」、manufacture「生產商」、distributor「分銷商」、retailer「零售商」以及最終consumer「消費者」等,由上、下游連接所產生的網路結構。

supply「供給」與 demand「需求」決定市場均衡價格和產量。常見狀況不外乎包括供不應求、供過於求與供需平衡三類。動詞運用可使用outpace/exceed/outstrip「超過」、meet「符合」、balance「平衡」來描述。

Research has shown that energy supply will not meet demand 50 years later.
(研究表明,50 年後能源供應將供不應求。)

To many manufacturers, balancing demand with supply is usually a constant struggle.


1. Fears that Taiwan’s housing market is headed for bubble territory are stoked by recent evidence that demand is far __________ supply.
(A) balancing
(B) meeting
(C) plunging
(D) outstripping

2. Many big car manufacturers are being forced to cut production because of the component shortages, ______ Toyota expects to ship 9.6 million vehicles — around annual gains of six percent — as an impressive result of how it manages its supply chain.
(A) as
(B) despite
(C) since
(D) while


1. 正解(D)。語意為「近來證據顯示需求遠遠超過供應,加劇了人們對台灣房地產市場走向泡沫領域的擔憂。」本題為字彙題。要選擇搭配供需的動詞。(A)平衡、 (B相遇、(C)驟降,常使用在經濟金融範疇中,描述股價或景氣的走向。故(D)為正解。

2. 正解(D)。語意為「由於零件短缺,許多大型汽車製造商正被迫減產,然而豐田卻預計將出貨 960 萬輛汽車——年成長率約為 6%——,這是其管理供應鏈令人深刻印象的結果。」本題為文法題。while在此與whereas相同,表示對比或引出相反情況的連接詞。(A) as與(C) since雖為連接詞,但語意不合;(B) despite為介係詞,後方需接名詞。故(D)為正解。

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