緊急限水限電 英文通知如何寫?




限水與限電是近年來辦公室有時需要面對的問題,當碰上這樣的狀況,該如何發出公告讓團隊隨之調整應對方式呢?我們一起來看看TOEIC 英文。

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Water Rationing Scheduled for Next Tuesday 

We would like to bring to your attention that there will be water rationing in our office premises next Tuesday, from 0800 to 1900. This will affect our water supply throughout the day. Please take note and make necessary preparations.

Actions for the Team:
1. Bring Personal Water Bottles: It's advisable for everyone to bring their own filled water bottles from home to ensure they have enough drinking water for the day.
2. Limit Toilet Use: If possible, use the restroom before coming to the office. We understand this might not be feasible for all, but it helps in conserving the limited water we'll have.
3. Water Dispensers: We will be placing temporary water dispensers on each floor. However, given the rationing, please use this water judiciously.
4. Postpone Meetings: If you have meetings that would usually require the use of water (like coffee meetings or gatherings), consider rescheduling them.
5. Notify Visitors: If you have clients or other visitors scheduled on that day, please inform them in advance about the water situation.
Your cooperation and understanding are highly appreciated. Let's come together as a team and manage this situation efficiently. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause and thank you for your patience.

1. Rationing 管控
Our company is rationing paper supplies due to recent supply chain disruptions.
The IT department is rationing printer ink this month.

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2. Premises 場所
All employees must show their ID cards before entering the premises.
We are planning to expand our business premises next year.

3. Preparations 準備
動詞是prepare,名詞則是preparation,通常搭配動詞片語為make/start preparations,因為需要準備的事物大抵上不會只有一項,故常用複數。
Preparations for the annual conference are in full swing.
The marketing team started preparations for the product launch three months ago.

4. Advisable 明智的
忠告的動詞為advise,值得忠告的事情就是明智的事。名詞則是advice,請也記得名詞不可數,量詞用a piece of advice。
It's advisable to review the contract details before signing.
Given the market volatility, it's advisable to postpone the investment.

5. Feasible 可行的
The team will assess whether the project timeline is feasible.
We need to conduct a study to determine if this business strategy is feasible.

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6. Judiciously 明智地
語源是中世紀拉丁文的iudicious(明智的)與 iudicium(判斷),原本的意思是展現明智判斷的特質。
We must judiciously allocate our budget to ensure maximum returns.
She manages the team's resources judiciously, ensuring no wastage.

7. Postpone 推遲
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to postpone the board meeting.
The product launch event has been postponed to next month.

8. Rescheduling 改期
The client requested rescheduling our appointment to Friday.
Due to a clash with another event, we are rescheduling the workshop.

9. Cooperation 合作
We achieved this milestone thanks to the cooperation of all departments.
Successful project completion requires the cooperation of both management and staff. 成功完成項目需要管理層和員工的合作。

10. Inconvenience 不便
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the website downtime.
The system upgrade might cause a brief inconvenience to our users.


1.Due to global economic constraints, some companies are considering _____ essential items for their employees.
(C) rationing
(D) rationed

2. The entire office, including the parking lot and garden, falls within the company's _____.
(A) premise
(B) premises
(C) premised
(D) premising

3. Given the critical nature of the document, it is _____ to have it reviewed by our legal team before publishing.
(A) advising
(B) advisedly
(C) advisability
(D) advisable

4. Due to the current market dynamics, is it _____ for us to invest in a new project?
(A) feasibility
(B) feasible
(C) feasibly
(D) feasibilities

1.正解: (C) rationing,原句意「由於全球經濟限制,有些公司正在思考控管必要員工用品。」consider後方需要加上名詞,故將動詞加上ing成為動名詞給予名詞特性,故答案選C。

2.正解: (B) premises,原句意「全辦公室含停車場與花園都在公司的範圍之內。」

3.正解: (D) advisable,原句意「考量該文件的關鍵本質,我們需要在出示前先讓法務團隊審閱過。」is後方格子後加上不定詞,中間僅能是形容詞,故選D。

4.正解: (B) feasible,原句意「基於當下市場動態,投資新專案是可行的嗎?」,後方句子可以先不看for us,即成為is it ____ to...的句型,需要選出形容詞的選項,故答案為B。

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