夏禮章西洋歌曲選粹/Bob Welch自殺身亡



曾經一度加入過著名合唱團Fleetwood Mac的歌手Bob Welch,6 月7日下午被他太太發現死於田納西州納納須維爾家中,很明顯的他是自殺身亡,65歲的Bob近年有健康問題的困擾。

Bob Welch自1971 年至 1975年是Fleetwood Mac的團員,出生於洛杉磯的他曾就讀U.C.L.A主修法文,但沒畢業而去組了The Seven Souls合唱團,那是一個黑白混合的團体,他們唱的I Still Love You在靈魂歌曲的市場留下一定的口碑,1969年The Seven Souls解散後Welch前去巴黎又組了Head West三重唱,但日子過得很悽慘,直到1971年受邀加入正要從藍調轉搖滾的英國合唱團Fleetwood Mac,日子才改觀。

Bob Welch離開Fleetwood Mac之後個人一共有五首暢銷曲,其中進入排行榜前十名的名曲是1977年第8名的Sentimental Lady,這首歌並邀請他於Fleetwood Mac時的伙伴Christine McVie 與 Lindsey Buckingham伴唱。
Fleetwood Mac合唱團1998年被選入搖滾樂名人堂時,Bob Welch並不在團員名單中。

Sentimental Lady
Fleetwood Mac
( Welch, Bob )

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You are here and warm
But I could look away and you'd be gone
Cause we live in a time
When meaning falls in splinters from our lives
And that's why I've travelled far
Cause I come so together where you are

And all of the things that I said that I wanted
Come rushing by in my head when I'm with you
14 joys and a will to be merry
And all of the things that we say are very
Sentimental gentle wind
Blowing through my life again
Sentimental Lady
Gentle one

Now you are here today
But easily you might just go away
Cause we live in a time
When paintings have no color, words don't rhyme
And that's why I've travelled far
Cause I come so together where you are

And all of the things that I said that I wanted
Come rushing by in my head when I'm with you
14 joys and a will to be merry
And all of the things that we say are very
Sentimental gentle wind
Blowing through my life again
Sentimental Lady
Gentle one

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You are here and warm
But I could look away and you'd be gone
Cause we live in a time
When meaning falls in splinters from our lives
And that's why I've travelled far
Cause I come so together where you are

Yes and all of the things that I said that I wanted
Come rushing by in my head when I'm with you
14 joys and a will to be merry
And all of the things that we say are very
Sentimental gentle wind
Blowing through my life again
Sentimental Lady
Gentle one

Sentimental gentle wind
Blowing through my life again
Sentimental Lady
Gentle one

Sentimental gentle wind
Blowing through my life again
Sentimental Lady
Gentle one

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Well sentimental gentle wind
Blowing through my life again
Sentimental Lady
Gentle one
