讓軟體隨時保持在最新版 - SUMo,能夠自動偵測你目前所安裝的軟體有沒有新版,就連免安裝版也可以將主程式(*.exe)手動加入檢查清單,利用忽略功能可以忽略不想檢查的軟體,當檢查出新版時,按「取得更新」可以透過Google搜尋官網下載頁。(阿榮)
SUMo, which stands for Software Update Monitor. Thanks to SUMo you'll be able to keep your PC up-to-date by using the most recent version of your favorite software ! Unlike build-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use your software.
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