

◎ two-faced 雙面人

Two-faced 字面上是「兩張臉的」的意思,就是我們所說的「雙面人」,不僅說話不真誠,說一套做一套,也有可能人前笑臉,人後說壞話,這種人就可以用 two-faced 表示。也可以用 insincere(不真誠)、hypocritical(偽善的)來形容這種個性。

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Amy is a two-faced liar. She is insincere and not honest, so I don’t trust her.
(Amy 是個愛講謊話的雙面人。既不真誠又不誠實,所以我不信任她。)

◎ fence-sitter 牆頭草

不做出決定、也不想得罪他人,哪邊有利就往哪邊靠的人就可以用 fence-sitter(牆頭草)來形容他,例如:

A fence-sitter is someone who does not make decisions or take sides because he or she doesn’t want to offend either side. George is just that kind of person. I hate working with him.
(牆頭草就是不做決定,也不選邊站的人,因為他不想得罪任何一方。George 就是那種人。我討厭跟他一起工作。)

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◎ ass-kisser / brownnoser 愛拍馬屁的人

為了達成自己目的不惜去親人家屁股的「馬屁精」,英文可以用 ass-kisser。另外也有 brownnoser 的說法,來由比較不舒服一點,因為太貼近別人的屁股,所以被「髒髒」的東西弄到鼻子,變成咖啡色啦!
而 ass-kisser 和 brownnoser 都是名詞的用法,用來稱呼這樣的人。如果要用動詞就是 kiss someone's ass 或是 brownnose someone。例如:

Whose ass you're going to kiss to get that job?
He brownnoses our boss a lot because he wants to get a promotion.

◎ take credit for something / take the credit 將某事歸功於... / 搶功勞

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I did all the work, but she took credit for the success.
The rookie did nothing but take the credit.

◎ shirk one’s responsibilities / duties / obligations 逃避責任 / 義務

碰到困難的事情就逃避的同事也很令人頭痛,這時候就可以用 shirk 這個單字表達,shirk 本身就有「逃避、規避(責任)」的意思,例如:

Don’t shirk the difficult work, you still have to face it in the end.
His boss shirked his responsibilities, and the company was on the brink of bankruptcy.

◎ slacker 偷懶的人

Slack 有「鬆弛、懈怠」的意思,而 slacker 就是指「常常都很鬆懈的人、偷懶的人」。

I hope those slackers can be fired. They are always late to work, and they even leave the office earlier than anyone else in the office.

◎ smart-ass(美式) / smart-arse(英式)自以為是、自命不凡的人

Smart-ass 是美式的說法,而 smart-arse 是英式的說法,指總是想要表現自己很聰明、很厲害的樣子的人,這種自以為是的人最討厭啦!

He knew nothing about translation but always tried to teach me how to translate. He’s such a smart-ass!

◎ anal / fussy 愛計較、愛挑剔的
fuss about something 過於關注、挑剔、憂慮(小事情)

anal 和 fussy 這兩個單字都是指「對細節過度挑剔或計較,導致很惹人厭」的意思。而 fuss about something 可以用來表示「對於小事情太憂慮或計較」。例如:

She fussed about the meaningless details in the project the whole day.
He’s anal about pronunciation, which annoys many people in the company.

VIA 希平方