日前,位於美國馬里蘭州的「BARCS Animal Shelter」動物收容所,在臉書上分享了一支獸醫安撫汪汪的影片,深深揪動眾網友的心..
Baby Meesha was coming off her anesthesia and was a little scared because her body felt so weird. BARCS Surgical Assistant Dennis Moses took her out into the quiet hallway to comfort her. One of our awesome volunteers just happened to be walking by to capture this sweet moment. Thank you to Dennis and all the staff who work long, tireless hours in the background of our shelter—saving lives and loving the animals. (Turn on the sound, it will melt your heart!)
由 BARCS Animal Shelter 貼上了 2016年2月25日
▲乖乖~ 沒事的...
▲沒多久,BARCS也在PO文下方留言說「Meesha (現在改叫Maddie) 狀況很好~與新家人一起!」
嗚嗚 看到那安撫的模樣,這也讓呆想起拉拉手術回家的那天,現在回想起來還是很不捨又心疼、紅眶紅紅,總覺得對不起,讓牠挨了一刀...
來源:insight、BARCS Animal Shelter