寶可夢GO台灣開放至今,玩家收集圖鑑之餘,要留哪幾隻重點培育也很讓人煩惱?除了看基本「CP值」(Combat Power),隱藏數值「個體值」(Individual Value,IV Score)也是很重要衡量指標,不少人會用外掛網站來查,只是這樣會有被鎖帳號風險,IV沒查到,辛苦抓寶努力卻付諸流水,實在得不嘗試。所以今天這篇文章就來教教大家,其實遊戲內建就能查IV值了!
“Overall, your Pokémon looks like it can really battle with the best of them! (整體來看,你的寶可夢是屬於戰鬥力最狂的級別!)– IV: 81%- 100%
“Overall, your Pokémon is really strong!” (整體來看,你的寶可夢非常強壯!)– IV: 67%-80%
“Overall, your Pokémon is pretty decent!” (整體來看,你的寶可夢還蠻OK的!)– IV: 51%-66%
“Overall, your Pokémon has room for improvement as far as battling goes”. (整體來看,如果你的寶可夢要參加戰鬥,可能還必須加把勁,牠還有很多進步空間。)– IV: 0%-50%
“Its stats are the best I've ever seen! No doubt about it!” (不用懷疑!牠的數值是我看過最棒的!)– 單項IV:15 (最高)
“Its stats are really strong! Impressive”(牠的數值很強,令人驚艷!)– 單項IV:13~14
“It's definitely got some good stats. Definitely!” -- (這絕對算是不錯的數值!)– 單項IV:8~12
“Its stats are all right, but kind of basic, as far as I can see” (就我看來,這數值還OK,算蠻基本的。)– 單項IV:0~7
“Overall, your Pokémon simply amazes me! It can accomplish anything!” (整體來說,你的寶可夢讓我超驚豔的,他能為你搞定任何事啊!)– IV: 81%-100%
“ Overall, your Pokémon is a strong Pokémon. You should be proud!” (整體來說,你的寶可夢很強大,你應該引以為榮。)– IV: 66%-80%
“Overall, your Pokémon is a decent Pokémon.”(整體來說,你的寶可夢還行啦!) – IV: 51% - 65%
“Overall, your Pokémon may not be great in battle, but I still like it!” (整體來說,你的寶可夢也許對戰不強,但我還是很愛牠。)– IV: 0%-50%
“I'm blown away by its stats. WOW!” (哇喔!我被他的數值嚇傻了!)– 單項IV:15 (最高)
“ It's got excellent stats. How exciting!” (牠有很棒的數值,令人興奮!)– 單項IV:13~14
“Its stats indicate that in battle, it'll get the job done.” (牠的數值在對戰中,應該能順利完成工作。)– 單項IV:8~12
“Its stats don't point to greatness in battle.” (牠的數值在對戰中沒有優勢。)– 單項IV:0~7
“Overall, your Pokémon is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokémon!” (整體而言,你的寶可夢是個奇蹟!讓人歎為觀止的超狂寶可夢!)– IV: 81% - 100%
“Overall, your Pokémon has caught my attention” (整體而言,你的寶可夢完全吸走我的注意力了!)– IV: 67% - 80%
“Overall, your Pokémon is above average” (整體而言,你的寶可夢有高於平均。)– IV: 51% - 66%
“Overall, your Pokémon is not likely to make much headway in battle” (整體而言,你的寶可夢不太能夠在對戰中討到任何便宜。)– IV: 0- 50%
“Its stats exceed my calculations. It's incredible!”(這項數值遠超出我的計算,真不可思議。)– 單項IV:15 (最高)
“I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say.” (我必須說,我對這數值印象深刻。)– 單項IV:13~14
“Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive.”(這項數值蠻值得給予正面評價。)– 單項IV:8~12
“Its state are not out of the norm, in my opinion” -- (在我看來,這隻寶可夢數值,幾乎不值一提。)– 單項IV:0~7
VIA Idigitaltimes