貓咪很可愛,但也不是所有貓都能找到主人,像英國這隻3歲浪貓珍珠(Pearl ),雖然個性親人,但在收容所已待了超過200天,期間目睹92隻貓朋友被送走,自己卻孤單待在此,感覺很落寞啊!
珍珠原本和好朋友托帕石(Topaz )還有3隻幼貓,被人丟在獸醫院,經英國柴郡動物救援組織RSPCA拯救後,全都送出,只有珍珠送不出去。
珍珠自2月份入住倫敦路貓舍(London Road cattery)後,已經超過200天,期間牠向百名貓朋友說過再見,目送牠們找到幸福的家。這讓貓舍經理很不解,珍珠明明就很可愛,為什麼沒人要養牠呢?
PearlHi my name is Pearl. Although I may be precious I am quirky and playful. I often hunt my toy mice and chase my ping pong balls around my pen. At times I can be nervous so I would love for an owner who has patience and is experienced to show me how life could be. I like my neighbours here at the cattery and could live with another cat, however I think I would do best in a home without pets due to my flighty nature. I would happily love to be the perfect companion for you. Why don't you pop in this week? The cattery is open Tuesday-Sunday, 11.30am-3.30pm.
由 RSPCA Stapeley Grange 貼上了 2017年5月9日