Flying home for the holidays dressed to surprise the family. Before the flight, I met this stranger at the airport. Instant best friends from r/pics
When a ballet troupe has a flight delay from r/funny
At the Airport….
Saw this pilot at the airport, yesterday. from r/funny
While boarding a flight, an 8yr old ominously told me "I left a secret agent to watch you...". I wasn't sure what that meant for the next two hours until another passenger pointed this out to me... from r/funny
My friend's daughter just flew by herself for the first time. This was how he greeted her at the airport. from r/funny
My dad dressed up as Buddy the Elf to pick me up from the airport... from r/pics
I was at the airport awhile back when I saw this. The dad was walking back and forth while his daughter kept laughing the whole time. from r/pics
Never lose your luggage again
When benches are too hard to sleep on at the airport
#ハワイアン航空で行った謎の魚ハワイの思い出 ~ホノルル到着編~ ハワイの島経由でホノルル到着。到着ロビーにテレビのワイドショーが待っているのではと警戒しましたが、何も起こりませんでした・・・。
— 千葉ロッテマリーンズ公式アカウント (@Chiba_Lotte) 2018年4月1日
ハワイアン航空(@HawaiianAirJP) でも謎の魚出没中!#chibalotte pic.twitter.com/CTRt7YfLrR