美國的新冠肺炎疫情越來越嚴重,為了防止病毒迅速擴散,當地伊利諾州限制民眾舉辦、參與50人以上的集會,其中,芝加哥市的諸多博物館、水族館都直接閉館不營業,一間名為Shedd Aquarium的水族館,也乖乖地跟上政府的政策。
但,為了讓大眾持續關注館內裡的明星動物:可愛的企鵝,近日,Shedd Aquarium在臉書上公開一部「企鵝們在館內蹦蹦跳跳」的歡樂畫面。
The adventure continues! This morning, Edward and Annie explored the rotunda. They are a bonded pair of rockhopper penguins, which means they are together for nesting season. Every spring is nesting season for the penguins here at Shedd, and this year is no different! Next week, penguins, including Edward and Annie, will begin to build their nests. You’re invited to digitally join us for the nesting coverage! In the meantime, we will share a variety of animal activities, and yes, Wellington will return! While this may be a strange time for us, these days are relatively normal for the penguins and other animals at Shedd. Our caregivers are constantly providing new activities, experiences, food and more to allow the animals to express natural behaviors—even if that includes simply exploring. Let us know what penguin activities you want to see!
由 Shedd Aquarium 發佈於 2020年3月16日 星期一