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施密特海洋研究所(Schmmidt Ocean Institude)在推特和IG上發表了他們的最新發現。透過無人潛艇,他們在630公尺深的海裡發現了這隻管水母,用雷達測量,光是最外圈的長度就長達至少47公尺,直徑大約和掃把一樣粗。相較之下,一般普通管水母的大小,也不過40公尺左右。
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It is hard to explain this siphonophore from #DeepCoralAdventure livestream without sounding like we are describing a beast out of a science-fiction novel... There are over 180 known species of gelatinous strings called siphonophores, and some can grow to 130 feet (40 m), longer than a blue whale, which is usually considered Earth's largest animal (however, even the biggest siphonophore's body isn’t much bigger around than a broomstick). But instead of growing as a single body like virtually every other animal, tiny individual siphonophores (zooids) clone themselves 1000’s of times over into half a dozen different types of specialized bodies, all strung together to work as a team. In short, despite different functions, all the individuals in colony are genetically identical! - “In a way these specialized bodies function as organs,” said marine biologist Stefan Siebert of @brown_university, who studies these glorious creatures with the help of @mbari_news. “Some move the colony, some feed for the colony, some take care of reproduction.” Whereas creatures like you and me have over millennia evolved different parts of our bodies to work as organs, siphonophores have evolved individual bodies themselves into organs. It’s a bit like your liver up and declaring independence from the rest of you, even though it can't go anywhere. - No matter body plan or hunting strategy, siphonophores pose an interesting question: What exactly is individuality? “The whole thing looks like one animal, but it’s many thousands of individuals which form an entity on a higher level,” said Siebert. “So it's a really tricky question. And what's a colony? Humans are colonies—we are colonies of single cells.” Of course, ants and bees form colonies as well. But what siphonophores have been up to for all these millions of years is another thing entirely. They’re individuals within individuals. - (Thanks to Matthew Simon over at @wired for this great description - check out his article online, where much of this info is edited from) - A more friendly description by #ArtistAtSea @AngelaRosen.artist: Siphonophores are made up of many individual hydrozoans who agree to pass time together
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