和 whistle 相關的片語
►as clean as a whistle
As clean as a whistle 意思是「非常乾淨、整潔」,至於為什麼和口哨有關係呢?其中一種說法是口哨的聲音非常清晰、純淨,後來慢慢衍伸成乾淨、整潔的意思,舉個例子:
Elijah wasn’t the greatest cook in the world, but he kept his kitchen as clean as a whistle.(雖然 Elijah 不是世界上最棒的廚師,但他將廚房打理得非常乾淨。)
►blow the whistle
blow the whistle 這個字除了可以表示「吹口哨」,也有引申的片語意思「告發;揭發」,常見的搭配是 blow the whistle on someone / something,舉個例子:
Sebastian decided to blow the whistle on the corrupt politician. I hope he won't get himself into trouble.(Sebastian 決定告發那名貪汙的政治人物。我希望他不會惹上麻煩。)
Penny was fired for blowing the whistle on the bank's mismanagement of accounts, but she then sued the bank.(Penny 因為告發銀行挪用客戶款項而被炒魷魚,不過她後來又向銀行提起訴訟。)
Whistleblower 是從片語 blow the whistle 衍伸而來的,表示「告發者;揭弊者」,有些媒體會直譯成「吹哨者」。在 2020 年初時,不少西方媒體就以這個字來描述最早公開新冠肺炎疫情的醫生李文亮。來看個例子:
Throughout history, doctors have been whistleblowers, but they've also been silenced by the authorities.(從古至今,許多醫生都成為了揭弊者,不過他們的聲音都被政府給消音了。)
►bells and whistles
The smartphone has all the latest bells and whistles, such as dictation, faster Face ID, triple-camera system, etc.(這隻智慧型手機具有各種最新的功能,像是聽寫功能、更快速的臉部辨識、三相機系統等等。)
►wet one's whistle
Wet one's whistle 字面上看起來像是把口哨弄濕,不過意思其實是「喝東西、喝飲料、喝酒」,可能是因為嘴巴太乾時難以吹口哨,要把嘴巴弄濕才能吹出聲音,之後逐漸演變成現在的用法。
I'm feeling parched. I really need to wet my whistle before we go on.(我口好渴喔。我真的要喝點東西才能繼續前進。)
If you're looking for Shane, he's down at the pub wetting his whistle.(如果你在找 Shane 的話,他正在酒吧喝酒。)
via 希平方