文/周強(Tim Chou)
我國外交部對於菲律賓總統所提出的道歉無法接受,因此決定對菲律賓採取多項制裁措施。馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處(Manila Economic and Cultural Office)主席培瑞斯所帶來這一封的菲國總統「聲明」,不但被我外交部拒絕,更遭媒體指缺乏誠意。究竟這份聲明說了什麼?其實這封聲明只有四句英文:
The President has appointed MECO Chairman Amadeo R. Perez as his personal representative who will convey his and the Filipino people’s deep regret and apology to the family of Mr. Hung Shi-chen as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life.
本句基本上,由一個擔負起連接與修飾功能的關係代名詞who所串連。前半部為「The President has appointed MECO Chairman Amadeo R. Perez as his personal representative…」,此為「菲國總統任命馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處(MECO)主席培瑞斯作為他的個人代表」。句中的appoint與representative都是職場好字。
「appoint」有任命之意,它的名詞appointment除「任命」之外,還有一個職場重要用法是「約時間、約會」,例如和醫生約診、和客戶約時間討論事情等等,都用此字。「representative」的「-ive」字尾使它看來很像形容詞,但是它亦做名詞,指「代表」;公司代表是company representative、業務代表是business representative,而它的動詞是represent。
本句的後半部是用關係代名詞who,修飾菲國總統的個人代表。其中有兩個字詞的用法值得一學,一是「as well as」,是and(和、與)之意,二是介係詞over,有「關於…」之意,所以後半句的「who will convey his and the Filipino people’s deep regret and apology to the family of Mr. Hung Shi-chen as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life.」是「就不幸和非故意的人命損失,他將傳達菲國總統和人民對於洪家家屬與台灣人民深深的遺憾與道歉。」句中的convey(傳達)、regret(遺憾)、apology(道歉)、unfortunate(不幸的)、unintended(非故意的)都是好字,值得一學。「intend to」是「打算、想要、意圖」,而「unintended」是它的反義詞,指「非故意的」。
Upon orders from the President, the National Bureau of Investigation has already started the investigation and is committed to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial and expeditious investigation of the incident. The NBI has given this case the highest priority.
句中的「bureau」、「investigate」、「is committed to」、「thorough」、「incident」、「priority」都是好字。受總統之命令的order更是多益測驗聽力部份的高頻多義字,有「秩序、順序、訂購、命令、點菜」五大常用字義。「priority」也是重要字,職場上常用的「第一優先」可以說first priority或top priority。
We understand the grief and hurt of the family and of the people of Taiwan over this unfortunate loss and we empathize with them.
Following Ms. Aglo’s appointment to the board of directors, the firm’s investment strategy was _____ reevaluated.
(A) thoroughly
(B) thorough
(C) thoroughness
(D) more thorough
The President has appointed MECO Chairman Amadeo R. Perez as his personal representative who will convey his and the Filipino people’s deep regret and apology to the family of Mr. Hung Shi-chen as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life.
Upon orders from the President, the National Bureau of Investigation has already started the investigation and is committed to a thorough, exhaustive, impartial and expeditious investigation of the incident. The NBI has given this case the highest priority.
We understand the grief and hurt of the family and of the people of Taiwan over this unfortunate loss and we empathize with them.