LG 五吋機皇 G2 正式發表 官方規格搶先爆



LG電子(LG)今天(8/7)在美國紐約發表了旗艦機皇 LG G2,如同先前所曝光內容,採用 5.2 吋 IPS 螢幕,高通 Snapdragon 800 四核心處理器,1,300 萬畫素鏡頭,共有黑、白兩款,接下來預計將搶先於南韓上市,緊接著陸續於北美、歐洲及其他主要市場推出,詳細上市日期與售價以各地區官方公告為主。

LG G2 的全球發表會才剛開始,國外媒體已經提前曝光了官方圖檔以及官方新聞搞,根據官方新聞稿所示,LG G2 大小為 138.5 x 70.9 x 8.9mm,採用 5.2 吋 FHD IPS 螢幕,搭載 Android 4.2.2 作業系統,硬體效能方面採用的是高通 Snapdragon 800,2.26GHz 處理器,記憶體為 2GB LPDDR3 800MHz,內存空間有 16GB 和 32GB 兩種規格,並有黑、白兩款,在拍攝效能方面,主鏡頭為 1300 萬畫素,前鏡頭為 210 萬畫素,電池容量為 3000 mAh。

※LG G2 中英文版官方新聞搞:

萬眾矚目LG最新旗艦機皇 G2 在紐約正式發表

紐約,2013年8月7日 — LG於今日發表最新智慧型手機旗艦機皇LG G2,為全新頂級G系列旗下的首款智慧型手機。全球上市記者會選於紐約林肯中心爵士樂廳(Home of Jazz at Lincoln Center)的弗雷德里克.羅斯廳(Frederick P. Rose Hall)盛大舉辦;有超過30個國家,將近700位貴賓前來一同共襄盛舉。LG G2具體實現LG秉持以消費者為中心的理念帶來更多創新技術;根據LG針對消費者生活型態與行為的研究,全新智慧型手機G2提供使用者更貼近真實生活的便利性,例如:符合人體工學的設計、實用的功能以及直覺式的使用者經驗。

LG 電子行動通訊總裁兼執行長Dr. Jong-seok Park表示:「如今,我們對創新的定義是真正能引起消費者共鳴的科技,在開發LG G2時,我們聆聽消費者的心聲,並從消費者的行為模式中學習,將此研究成果推向嶄新境界,這是LG品牌歷史上最令人期待、最具野心的智慧型手機。」

LG G2將手機的一切整合,賦予更舒適、更具功能性、更方便美觀的設計。LG G2改變智慧型手機過去一貫的設計,採用後置式按鍵(Rear Key),是首支於側邊沒有任何按鍵的手機。後置式按鍵(Rear Key)的設計概念來自於使用者習慣的理解,我們觀察到當手機尺寸愈來愈大,也就越難合適地碰觸側邊按鍵。將主要按鍵移至手機背面,讓使用者在控制上更方便,因為這個位置通常也是使用者食指自然放置的位置。研究人員也發現,按鍵置於背後能減少講話時調整音量,造成手機滑落之情形。

長按位於手機背面的音量鍵,即可開啟QuickMemo與相機功能,無論是自拍或是編寫筆記都更加簡易。即便手機電源鍵在背面,當LG G2螢幕朝上放置時,無須拿起手機按背面按鍵,即可透過KnockON功能,輕拍螢幕2次就能輕鬆啟動電源。

極窄邊框觸控螢幕 業界最高規格長效電池
LG G2採用5.2吋Full HD螢幕,由於採用極窄邊框設計,在目前主流市場同樣可單手操作的2.7吋寬智慧型手機中,G2擁有目前最大的螢幕尺寸。除了螢幕更為寬廣的視覺體驗,LG創新的Dual Routing科技能將手機側邊邊框縮減至2.65mm,搭配獲認證的IPS技術,LG G2提供更優質的畫面、精準的色彩以及清楚的影像,不會產生任何失真情況。

此外,LG G2採用Graphic RAM(GRAM),更能有效運用電力,GRAM能在靜止畫面時減少螢幕電力的消耗達26%,提高手機整體約10%的使用時間。3,000mAh超強電力電池的內部特殊設計,讓LG G2待機時間更長,即使消費者經過整天工作也可以隨時待命。

防手震技術與高解析度 捕捉絕美相片
LG G2配備防手震 (OIS) 技術,以避免拍出模糊照片,使影像更清晰、鮮豔且銳利,即便是在移動的狀態或處於昏暗的環境中拍攝也不會影響畫質。目前市面上多數的智慧型手機之相機均搭載防手震技術,但解析度多僅在400萬至800萬畫素的範圍,G2是目前市面上唯一同時具備1,300萬畫素的高解析度與防手震技術,設計輕薄且不須延長鏡頭,領先業界。而G2的超高解析度與多點對焦的功能可協助將每個目標物體保持於焦點內,宛如一台數位相機。

近幾年,隨著高音質多媒體內容的增加,消費者對智慧型手機音效品質的要求也越來越高,智慧型手機已經成為各種娛樂的中心,包含電視節目、電影、遊戲,消費者期待聲音與畫面能有相同等級的感受。LG G2是目前市場上第一支具有24 bit/192kHz Hi-Fi播放功能的手機,能傳遞如劇院般的音質,比CD音質更加卓越,讓使用者能聽見真實呈現的原音,堪稱智慧型手機史無前例的創舉。

研究顯示消費者最常使用的智慧型手機功能,例如:SMS、社交網路、導航,當然也包括撥打電話的基本功能,因此,LG G2推出多款具實用性且創新的使用者經驗(UX)功能:

 Answer Me—在手機拿到耳邊時降低鈴響音量,而手機將自動接起。
 Plug & Pop—偵測到耳機或USB時,自動跳出推薦選項或相關功能。
 Text Link—選取文字訊息中的資訊,輕鬆儲存於記事本或月曆中,並且能自動在地圖或網路上搜尋該資訊。
 QuickRemote—LG G2不僅能遠端遙控家庭娛樂裝置,更能模擬傳統遙控器,藉由自訂化的靈活版面配置與鍵盤來操控多台裝置。
 Slide Aside—使用三指觸碰方式滑動使用中程式,將其移至旁邊,讓使用者能更容易同時進行多工處理。
 Guest Mode—為保護手機持有者的隱私,建立第二組密碼,設定你允許他人觀看的內容與功能。

以次世代 LTE 技術締造無與倫比的效能
LG G2 搭載業界最先進的手機晶片組 Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 800 處理器,透過令人驚豔的效能、完美畫面、以及卓越的電池效率,重新定義智慧型手機體驗。在長期合作夥伴 Qualcomm 的支持下,LG 將晶片組與硬體完美整合,提供強大而穩定的效能。

8月7日於紐約舉行全球發表會後,自接下來八週起,LG G2 將與全球超過130間電信業者合作,搶先於南韓上市,接著陸續於北美、歐洲及其他主要市場推出,確切上市日期將視地區與電信業者而異。

 處理器: 2.26GHz Quad-Core Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 800 處理器
 顯示螢幕: 5.2吋 Full HD IPS (1080 x 1920 像素/ 423 ppi)
 記憶體: 32GB / 16GB
 相機: 後置鏡頭1,300萬畫素防手震 / 前置鏡頭210萬畫素
 電池:3,000mAh
 作業系統:Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2
 尺寸:138.5 x 70.9 x 8.9mm
 顏色:黑/白

NEW YORK, Aug. 7, 2013 - LG Electronics (LG) today unveiled its latest flagship smartphone LG G2, the first smartphone introduced under LG's new "G" Series for premium devices, exemplifying LG's aim to bring forth more customer-centric innovations.

Nearly 700 guests from over 30 countries converged at the renowned Frederick P. Rose Hall, Home of Jazz at Lincoln Centerin New York for the global introduction of the device. Based on LG's research of consumer lifestyles and behaviors, the smartphone offers users more real-life benefits such as ergonomic design, practical functions and an intuitive user experience.

"Our definition of innovation today is technology that truly resonates with consumers," said Dr. Jong-seok Park, president and CEO of the LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company, who welcomed the guests to the event. "We have always listened to and learned from consumers in pursuit of innovation. We took these insights to new heights in developing LG G2, the most exciting and ambitious mobile phone in our company's history."

New Perspective in Smartphone Design

The LG G2 brings everything together in a device with comfortable, functional, convenient and beautiful design. The LG G2 shifts the paradigm in smartphone design by placing all the buttons on the rear of the device, making this the first smartphone to be completely devoid of side buttons. The unique Rear Key concept came from the realization when studying users that the larger the phone became, the more difficult it was to properly access the side keys. Moving the main buttons to the back of the phone gave users more control since this place was where individuals' index fingers are naturally located. Researchers found that moving the buttons also resulted in fewer dropped phones when adjusting the volume while talking.

Long-pressing on the rear-mounted volume keys allows users to launch QuickMemoTM and the camera, making note taking and photo capturing even easier than before. And if the LG G2 is lying on a surface face up, there's no need to lift the phone to access the power button on the back. With KnockON, the LG G2 can be powered on simply by tapping twice on the display.

Edge-to-Edge Display and Best-In-Class Power Capacity

LG upped the ante by incorporating a 5.2-inch Full HD display in the LG G2, the largest display designed for one-handed operation in today's popular 2.7-inch width smartphone category. In addition to the expansive viewing experience, LG's innovative Dual Routing technology reduced the phone's bezel to a mere 2.65mm on the side edge. And with proven IPS technology, the LG G2 offers superior graphics, accurate colors and clear images without any distortion.

For more efficient energy usage, the LG G2 employs Graphic RAM (GRAM) technology. GRAM reduces the display's energy use by up to 26 percent on a still frame and increases overall usage time on the device by approximately 10 percent. And with a generous 3,000mAh battery that is thoughtfully designed to take maximum advantage of the interior space, the LG G2 is more than ready for a full day's work or play.

OIS and High Resolution for Great Pictures

The LG G2's high-resolution camera comes equipped with Optical Image Stabilizer (OIS) technology to prevent blurring, allowing for clearer, brighter and sharper images even when in motion or shooting in dim environments. Most current smartphone cameras with OIS tend to offer resolution in the 4MP to 8MP range. The G2 is unique in that it offers 13MP and OIS technology in a slim design without a protruding lens. And features such as Super Resolution and Multi-point AF help keep everything in focus, just like a standalone point-and-shoot digital camera.

Studio Quality Hi-Fi Sound

In recent years, there has been an increase in consumer demand for superior sound in smartphones as high-quality multimedia content becomes more ubiquitous. Smartphones have become hubs for entertainment of all kind - TV shows, movies, games - and consumers expect the sound to be just as good as the image. The LG G2 is the first smartphone on the market today to feature 24 bit/192kHz Hi-Fi playback that reproduces studio-like quality sound, far superior to a CD. Now consumers can hear a level of audio realism that hasn't been possible before in a smartphone.

Practical UX Connected to Everyday Life

Research shows that the most frequently used smartphone features are the most basic ones that users often take for granted such as SMS, social networking, directions and of course, making phone calls. The LG G2 comes with a number of compelling user experience (UX) features that provide the most practical value by focusing on a smartphone's most popular tasks:

- Answer Me - Automatically answers the call after lowering the ringtone when the phone is raised to one's ear.

- Plug & Pop - Recommends options or related features to choose from when the earphone or USB cable is detected.

- Text Link -Allows information embedded in text messages to be selected and easily saved in a memo or calendar and searched on a map or the internet.

- QuickRemote - Not only can LG G2 be used to remotely control popular home entertainment devices, it can also learn from conventional remotes and be customized to operate multiple devices with flexible layouts and keys.

- Slide Aside - Enables easier multitasking by simply "sliding" open apps off to the side using a three-finger swipe.

- Guest Mode - Protects owner's privacy by displaying only pre-selected apps when guests access the phone with a secondary unlock pattern.

Unmatched Performance with Next Generation LTE

The LG G2 runs on the industry's most advanced mobile chipset, the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 800 Processor and redefines the smartphone experience through stunning performance, rich graphics and outstanding battery efficiency. Qualcomm Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated. Through a long-term partnership collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies, LG was able to deploy the chipset integrated perfectly with the LG G2 hardware to offer powerful and yet stable performance.

Following the global launch event in New York City on August 7, the LG G2 will be rolled out in over 130 wireless carriers in the next eight weeks starting in South Korea followed by North America, Europe and other key markets. Specific dates for market availability will vary by region and carrier.

Key Specifications:

- Processor: 2.26GHz Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 800 featuring quad Krait CPU
- Display: 5.2-inch Full HD IPS (1080 x 1920 pixels / 423 ppi)
- Memory: 32GB / 16GB
- RAM: 2GB LPDDR3 800MHz
- Camera: Rear 13.0MP with OIS / Front 2.1MP
- Battery: 3,000mAh
- Operating System: Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2
- Size: 138.5 x 70.9 x 8.9mm
- Colors: Black / White


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