iPhone 6「千呼萬喚始出來」,這也敲開了各家智慧型手機大廠「9月『機』戰」的隆咚戰鼓。不論是傳聞中的5吋大螢幕,還是提前曝光的機殼,iPhone 6終於無法再等。蘋果公司正式向媒體發出邀請函,定於9月9日新品發佈會。邀請函上這麼寫道:
9. 9. 2014
Wish we could say more.
You are invited to an exclusive event at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts
in Cupertino on September 9 at 10:00 a.m.
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Please arrive early.
邀請函上說:「2014年9月9月。希望我們能說多一點(Wish we could say more.)。9月9日早上10點,在Cupertino市的Flint Center for the Performing Arts藝術表演中心,邀請您參加此獨一無二的活動。8點開始報到。請提早到場。」
蘋果公司的「Wish we could say more.(希望我們能說多一點)」,被認為是在小小的逗弄媒體。據信這是蘋果公司除了要發佈新品iPhone 6之外,還要帶上新款的智慧型手錶iWatch,因為more有「更多的」之意。連CNN也這麼猜測的寫道:
But the "say more" tease prompted immediate speculation that new phones might not be all that's on the agenda. The safest bet is that a long-anticipated "iWatch" smartwatch will be introduced as well.
(「say more」這個小玩笑讓人迅速猜測,新手機可能不是新品發佈會議程的全部。敢打賭一定還要介紹期待已久的iWatch。)
可別小看這一新品發佈邀請函(invitation),它是國際職場裡的重要溝通工具,所以必有國際職場與多益測驗的核心字彙;其中「You are invited to an exclusive event」裡的exclusive就非常重要。它當形容詞使用的時候,是「唯一的、獨有的、排他的、專用的」。但是它還有一個重要的名詞用法,指「別人沒有而我獨有」,所以是指新聞台的「獨家報導」。
This special offer is exclusive to the VIP members of the Sunny Shopping Mall.
(只有Sunny Shopping Mall購物中心的貴賓會員才能享有此優惠。 )
We provide breaking entertainment news, insider information, and many exclusives in film.
The previous working experiences on his résumé were exclusively in marketing.
Patent laws guarantee that Halperin Engineering, Inc., has ______ rights to the technology it developed for robotic surgical devices.
(A) responsible
(B) feasible
(C) manufactured
(D) exclusive
本題的正確答案是(D)。此種題型為多益測驗Part 5中,典型的字彙題型,因為四個答案都是不同字義的字。題目的主詞是「Patent laws」,意指「專利權法」,既是專利權,即已透露出端倪,表示得到專利的東西是獨有而排他的。全題題意為「專利法保障Halperin Engineering公司擁有獨家開發機器手術設備的專利技術權。」