李顯龍在po文中表示,除了開心「馬習會」順利進行,「 Hope this will lead to greater stability and prosperity for the region.」(希望這次見面能更為區域帶來穩定及和平)、「難得有機會和老朋友馬英九喝茶敘舊。得知這次會議順利,希望會議的成果能為區域帶來穩定及和平」。李顯龍除了用President Ma Ying-jeou來提馬英九外,還以老朋友來形容他。
Thank you, my old friend, Prime Minister Lee, for your hot tea, tasty pastries and warm welcome. Glad that we finally had a chance to sit down and catch up on the Ma-Xi Meeting at the Shangri-La Hotel that just ended.
Twenty-two years ago on April 29, 1993 the Koo-Wang talks, in which four agreements were signed and institutionalized cross-strait negotiations were established, was held in Singapore. Twelve years ago on October 13, 2003 at the East Asian Economic Summit sponsored by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum, founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and I both agreed that "cross-strait development should be based on people's interests." That event was also held at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore.
Singapore has played a vital role in facilitating and witnessing peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait. Without you and your father, none of this could have happened.
Sending you my hearfelt appreciation. Looking forward to seeing you again.
22年前,也就是1993年的4月 29日,當時的辜汪會談簽訂了4個協議,為兩岸制度化協商打下了基礎,這場會談就是在新加坡舉辦;12年前,也就是2003年的10月 13日,我在「東亞經濟高峰會」上,與新加坡建國總理李光耀資政對談。當時我們都認為:「兩岸的發展,要以人民的利益為依歸。」這場談話也是在新加坡的香格里拉飯店舉行。
馬英九強調,在整個馬習會的過程中,他提了一次中華民國,在提到增修條例時有提到憲法兩次,一中各表講了一次,該講的都講了。( #SuperMM) 【習近平表達反台獨 馬英九:中華民國、一中各表都講了】http://www.ettoday.net/news/20151108/593246.htm
由 ETtoday筋斗雲貼上了 2015年11月7日