


爭議許久的「脫歐公投」,將在23日舉辦,日前除了傳出議員在造勢活動上當場遭到槍殺,引起社會議論外,許多英國公眾人物也針對此事發表個人看法。對此,英國知名球星貝克漢(David Backham)也在自己臉書寫下,「無論結果如何我們的未來都只會變得更好,為了自己小孩的未來讓他們不是孤單面對世界,『我選擇留在歐盟』。

貝克漢在文中寫下,「我熱愛我的國家,無論結果將是如何,我們更將會變得更好」,他提到自己年輕在曼聯和英國球員的經驗,寫下自己由衷感謝曾經在那的時光,但他接著也提到丹麥門將彼得·舒米高(Peter Schmeichel)、愛爾蘭的領導羅伊·基恩(Roy Keane)等人。

貝克漢強調,因為這些來自歐洲、甚至是全世界的人組成這個隊伍,除了讓自己學習到不同文化外,也有幸可以藉由他們到世界各地遊玩。最後他說,我們活在一個充滿活力、聯結的地球上, 為了我們的孩子,我們不該讓他們獨自面對世界,為了這些理由,我選擇「留在歐盟」。

此外,知名作家JK羅琳也且引用食人魔「漢尼拔」與自己所創造出的角色「佛地魔」為例,稱脫歐陣營領袖,揮動民族主義的旗子來號召民眾,實質上是種族歧視份子。她還譴責英國獨立黨的奈傑·法拉吉(Nigel Farage)在敘利亞難民前所拍攝反移民海報,根本是德國二戰納粹宣傳翻版,也批判川普是法西斯主義者(fascist),脫歐陣營領袖不斷地鼓吹民怨,跟本是「小川普」(mini-trump)。

貝克漢臉書全文(David Backham)

I'm passionate about my country and whatever the result of Thursday's referendum, we will always be Great. Each side has the right to their opinion and that should always be respected whatever the outcome of the European Referendum.

I played my best years at my boyhood club, Manchester United. I grew up with a core group of young British players that included Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Nicky Butt and the Neville Brothers. Added to that was an experienced group of older British players such as Gary Pallister, Steve Bruce and Paul Ince.

Now that team might have gone on to win trophies but we were a better and more successful team because of a Danish goalkeeper,  the leadership of an Irishman and the skill of a Frenchman in Eric Cantona.

I was also privileged to play and live in Madrid, Milan and Paris with teammates from all around Europe and the world. Those great European cities and their passionate fans welcomed me and my family and gave us the opportunity to enjoy their unique and inspiring cultures and people.

We live in a vibrant and connected world where together as a people we are strong. For our children and their children we should be facing the problems of the world together and not alone.

For these reasons I am voting to Remain

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