

今年在中國深圳舉辦的 NXP未來科技峰會(FTF 2016),已成為恩智浦最後一場大規模公開活動,因為美國大廠高通(Qualcomm),確認用總價 470 億美元,折合新台幣約一兆四千九百億元的天價,收購恩智浦半導體(NXP)公司,為的,宣誓要為未來發展行動應用、自動車、物聯網、資安與網路發展的領頭羊。

高通公司稍早發布聲明指出,併購 NXP將是一個強強結合的動作,預期將為無線網路科技、行動應用、自動車、物聯網與資安防護、5G等應用帶來前所未有的突破,成為業界的領頭羊,他們同意用每股110美元收購全球半導體供應商恩智浦(NXP),預期兩家公司合併後,年營收將超過300億美元。

該項收購交易包括債務在內,總值高達470億美元。若排除債務,交易總值約390億美元,此項併購案,凌駕安華高科技(Avago Technologies)用370億美元收購博通公司(Broadcom Corp)案,成為近年來最大宗的半導體公司收購案。


October 27, 2016

Dear Friends, Partners and Customers,

On October 27, 2016, we announced that NXP has agreed to be acquired by Qualcomm. This will create the industry powerhouse to focus on Secure Connections for a Smarter World.

The combining of NXP into Qualcomm is based on compelling strategic logic that brings together two highly successful and complementary businesses to create a premier semiconductor industry leader. With unique leadership positions in Wireless technologies, Security and Processing, the union is ideally positioned to address the emerging trends of ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the 5G revolution.

The combined company is expected to have annual revenues of more than $30 billion, serviceable addressable markets of $138 billion in 2020 and leadership positions across mobile, automotive, IOT, security and networking segments. The transaction has substantial strategic and financial benefits:

Complementary technology leadership in strategically important areas: The transaction combines Qualcomm’s leadership in low-power advanced computing, connectivity and communications systems with NXP’s complementary leadership in general purpose and automotive grade processing, security, automotive safety sensors and RF; enabling more complete system solutions.
Mobile: A leader in mobile SoCs, 3G/4G/5G modems and security.
Automotive: A leader in global automotive semiconductors, including ADAS, infotainment, safety systems, body & networking, powertrain & chassis and secure access.
IoT and Security A leader in broad-based MCUs, secure identification, mobile transactions, payment cards and transit; strength in application processors and connectivity systems.
Networking: A leader in network processors for wired and wireless communications and RF sub-segments, Wave-2 11ac/11ad, RF power and BTS systems.
Enhanced go-to-market capabilities to serve our customers: The combination of Qualcomm and NXP’s deep customer and ecosystem relationships and distribution channels enables the ability to deliver leading products and platforms at scale in mobile, automotive, IoT, industrial, security and networking.
Shared track record of innovation and commitment to operational discipline: Both companies have demonstrated a strong commitment to technology leadership and best-in-class product portfolios with focused investments in R&D. Qualcomm and NXP have both taken action to position themselves for profitable growth, while maintaining financial and operational discipline.
Qualcomm is an exceptional company with a like-minded approach to that of NXP, in terms of customer-focused innovation. Its exceptional heritage, engineering execution capability and richness of technology are an ideal match to NXP’s long-standing commitment to the Automotive, Security, Networking, Consumer and Industrial markets. We and the entire NXP team are delighted at this prospect and wish to assure you of our continued commitment to you throughout the entire transition phase and beyond.

Of course, the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and other closing conditions, so we anticipate that the acquisition will likely close during the end of calendar 2017. However, for now and until the close of the deal, it will be business as usual, and all NXP employees will remain focused on total customer satisfaction with a passion to win.

On behalf of the entire organization, we thank you for your continued support, as we together continue to complete the integration of the Freescale and NXP systems. We are truly excited about our potential as a combined company with Qualcomm and the increased ability to deliver to you unsurpassed customer service and innovative products. We are confident that our combination with Qualcomm will be as seamless as possible and look forward to working with you for many years to come.

We will keep you informed as additional information becomes available that we are legally permitted to share.


03/13 全台詐欺最新數據

558 2 7669 損失金額(元) 更多新聞

※ 資料來源:內政部警政署165打詐儀錶板


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