
▲ 《沉默》。(圖/CatchPlay提供)

文/Buffy Kao

由金獎導演馬丁.史柯西斯執導的《沉默》(Silence)近日在台上映,這部導演籌備30年的史詩巨作,內容講述一名耶穌會傳教在是在17世紀時被派到日本傳教,卻慘遭迫害並轉而變成地下教徒的片子,超強卡司包括「最強老爸」連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson)和「蜘蛛人」安德魯加菲(Andrew Garfield)。



1. Yangmingshan is a huge park that features scenic peaks in the top and lush subtropical rainforest in the lower areas.


The new Toyota Camry features an entirely computerized dashboard.

這例句中可明顯看出feature作為動詞用法,與本句用法相同。Feature story則是每期報紙、雜誌會出現的主題文章中討論當期的重點議題。

Scenic「美景的」,這個形容詞來自scene「(單一)景色」,也有「場景」之意,片語make/create a scene意思是說在公眾場合大吵大鬧。

Scenery同樣是名詞,卻是不可數名詞,是個集合名詞,指的是一整片的風景。Peaks在這裡指的是山峰,因為不只一座山,而是一串的山峰,所以用複數表達。值得注意的是,多益情境中peak hour指的是商業的旺季時期,off-peak hour則是淡季時期。因為山峰在山頂,所以peak有頂部的意思。

subtropical 亞熱帶的,這個單字有一個常見的字首sub指的是「次要的」,有時候看到不認識的單字,不要慌張,用簡單的判斷力,或許你就可以輕鬆猜出詞意喔!像是subtitle,title指的是電影名稱,subtitle在電影名稱下面,也就是「字幕」囉!

2. Yangmingshan National Park is one of the nine national parks in Taiwan, located between Taipei and New Taipei City.

名詞location(位置)很常見,但如果要表達「位於...」時,就要用「locate + _____ (prep.)」。要注意的是,locate後面的介系詞要由地點來取決,一般常見的地方介系詞為in 、at、on,分別表達不同位置的概念。此句中強調位於兩點間,所以用between,記得要先判斷地點的型態再選正確的介系詞喔!

3. The districts that house parts of the park grounds include Taipei’s Beitou and Shilin Districts; and New Taipei’s Wanli, Jinshan and Sanzhi districts.



The museum houses an impressive collection of jewels.

4. Jinguashi, located in the Ruifang District of New Taipei City, is famous for its gold and copper mines.

如果說到要介紹景觀,is famous for這個片語不能少,只是值得注意的是,後面的介系詞有不同的變化,is famous for…後面接的是「有名的特色為何」,所以通常是一個景點或一種小吃等等;is famous as…後面要接的則是「作為什麼樣角色而得名」,如:The woman is famous as a rap singer.(這個女人是個有名的女饒舌歌手。)

5. Situated between the mountains and the coastline, Jinguashi boasts exceptionally beautiful scenery as well as an abundance of historical relics from the erstwhile mining days, making it an ideal tourist spot in northern Taiwan.




The product boasts its portability and lightweight.

exception (n.):「–tion」字尾通常表達名詞,這裡指的是例外。
exceptional (adj.):延伸出表達傑出的,因為若不屬於大眾的標準,例外就變成傑出的。
exceptionally (adv.):「-ly」則是傑出的副詞變化。


M: I love to grill thick steak in the summer. My wife boasts that all the neighbors flock to our backyard when they see the first puffs of smoke in the evening.

W: I also enjoy eating outside. I’ve got abundant vegetables in my garden, and I often use them to create new dishes.

1. What interest do they have in common?
a. smoking
b. gardening
c. cooking
d. grilling

2. What does the man say about his wife?
a. She grows vegetables for him to cook.
b. She takes pride in her husband’s grilling that attracts people nearby.
c. She creates new dishes.
d. She doesn’t like her husband smoke in the garden.

1. 兩人的共同興趣為何?從男的說I love to grill thick steak in the summer.(我喜歡夏天的時候煎牛排),而女的回應I often use them to create new dishes.(我常用它們來做新菜),可以猜測出來兩人共同享受烹飪的樂趣。所以第一題要選(c) cooking,其他選項剛好有出現,但不是串連兩人的共通點。

2. 這個男的對太太的描述為何?選項要選(b) She takes pride in her husband’s grilling that attracts people nearby.(她很自豪丈夫的煎肉技術常常能吸引附近的人聞香而來。)因為對話中用boast表達他感到驕傲的事項。

W: I don't know. I think I like the JZ computer better. What do you think?

M: Well, the JZ does have more memory, and it has a lot of extra features. But I think we get more for our money with the Zell.

W: Yeah, the Zell is a lot cheaper. JZ and Zell are both good brands, so I'm OK with either one. It's your call.

1. What does the man say about Zell?
a. It’s too expensive
b. It has extra features
c. It’s a better value
d. It’s not a good brand

2. What does the woman suggest the man do?
a. Buy the JZ
b. Make the decision
c. Buy the Zell
d. Let her decide

1. 男的怎麼描述Zell?男的說But I think we get more for our money with the Zell. (花在Zell上的錢更值得),所以很明顯的答案應該要選(c) It’s a better value.

2. 女的建議男的應該怎麼辦?女的後來說It's your call.(這是你的決定),因為女的後來說I'm OK with either one(不管選哪個我都可以接受),代表他沒意見,所以主要由男的做決定即可,因此答案要選(b) Make the decision。

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