

宏達電、Google 雙方共同宣佈簽署合作協議,將原參與打造第一代Google Pixel手機的HTC成員將全數加入Google,雙方交易金額約 11 億美元,而在這同時,宏達電董事長王雪紅親自招開員工大會,會中向員工說明雙方合作細節,同時也強調 HTC 精神不變,該項交易預計2018年年初完成。

宏達電董事長王雪紅指出,Google 與HTC合作長達十年之久,而這次簽署合作協議後,「Powered by HTC」 的員工將會改變所服務的公司單位進入 Google 公司,但 HTC 與 Google 跟其他合作夥伴的關係不變。

換句話說,在王雪紅這份聲明中已經說得很清楚,「HTC」並沒有100%賣掉,事實上,內部已經在積極準備HTC最新一代的旗艦手機,所有產品售後服務也不會有任何變化,而在 VR 領域,HTC 將繼續構建虛擬實境生態系統,發展VIVE版圖。同時,HTC 也將更專注地加強投資 IoT、VR、AR 和 AI 等新一代技術。



在過去兩年裡,我們非常努力規劃HTC 的未來,除專注於創新設計與尖端技術的發展外,並竭盡所能打造世界一流的產品,這就是我們 HTC自成立以來一致的核心價值。在幾分鐘前,我們再度跨進重要的一步,HTC與 Google共同簽訂總價達11億美元的合作協議,這份協議不僅讓我們與Google有更深厚的策略合作關係,也為我們未來的創新及產品發展注入更強的動能。

大家都知道,Google 與HTC合作長達十年之久,這是建立在HTC領先業界的創新研發和陸續推出令世人驚豔的智慧型手機的專業能力的基礎之上。HTC 與Google攜手在Android陣營的發展歷程中創下許多的世界第一,包括2008年推出全球第一款Android智慧型手機HTC Dream (G1)、2010年推出Nexus One (G2)、2014年推出的Nexus 9 tablet,,以及去年推出的全球首款Pixel智慧型手機。

今天我很高興的宣布,我們與 Google簽訂了一項具有里程碑的最佳見證,即使部分同仁將會改變所服務的公司單位,但不變的是我們與Google 及其他合作夥伴所堅信的承諾,那就是創造出滿足全球消費者期盼的頂尖科技產品。

我們在兩年多前成立的「Powered by HTC」團隊,為Google 等合作夥伴提供特定產品設計開發的資源.根據此協議,與 Google 合作開發Pixel產品的「Powered by HTC」 夥伴們將加入 Google這個大家庭。我們在Pixel產品的設計上贏得相當好的風評,Google非常期盼邀請精通Pixel的「Powered by HTC」團隊加入Google。同時,HTC也將其智慧財產權非專屬授權予Google使用。

HTC 長期以來致力於自有品牌手機業務,今年上半年已成功推出廣受媒體和消費大眾好評的旗艦產品 HTC U11,同時很多同仁現在也已開始積極準備HTC最新一代的旗艦手機。這個協議將有助於強化 HTC 持續發展其自有品牌手機的策略,聚焦精實產品組合、透過更高的經營效率和財務彈性。HTC 將繼續構建虛擬實境生態系統,發展VIVE版圖。同時,HTC 也將更專注地加強投資 IoT、VR、AR 和 AI 等新一代技術。

「追尋卓越 止於至善」是HTC自成立來一致的理念,我相信我們掌握正確的策略、擁有世界級的一流人才及堅持創新的優良傳統,將會帶領HTC 迎來下一階段的發展。展望未來,我對我們所擁有的創新、研發及系統整合製造之核心力量充滿信心,在結合強大的智財權組合後,我們一步步穩健的打下成功的基礎。

對於 Google 而言,這次的協議進一步展現Google 對智慧型手機的投入,以及其積極發展硬體產品的決心。除了邀請到資深人才加入該團隊之外,HTC智慧財產權非專屬授權予Google使用。

過去數月,我有機會與 Google 硬體資深副總裁 Rick Osterloh 和其團隊緊密合作,我很興奮的告訴各位,此協議代表了Google對台灣這樣的科技與創新中心的重要投資,同時也是對我們過去二十年中積累的創新研發和尖端科技的最佳見證,我們爲此引以為豪。

我知道 Google 非常期盼與熱烈歡迎「Powered by HTC」團隊的生力軍,我們也為即將加入 Google 的同仁感到高興。「Powered by HTC」團隊將繼續擔任未來打造Android生態系統與擴展 Google 硬體業務的主力。

在交易完成前各位同仁現階段各項工作仍將繼續進行,我們預計在2018年年初完成交易,我會持續與大家分享更多資訊。在相關工作完成之前,各位仍將是HTC的員工,與你們現有團隊一起繼續推進你們當前的工作,與Google的溝通也和以往一樣。在今年下半年的時間裡,我們還有很多工作需要完成,這也是為什麼我們必須 100% 專注於我們的職責,進而確保實現我們共同的目標。

最後我要再次感謝各位同仁與家庭為 HTC 作出之貢獻,在全球各個辦公室的每個角落都能看到同仁們努力不懈,我們所創造的優異產品正是你們付出辛勞的最好見證,我很期待與大家一起邁向更美好的未來。



Hi Team HTC,

Over the last two years, we’ve been working hard to position HTC for the future, focusing on delivering the innovation and technology that defines HTC and devoting the necessary resources to create great products. A few minutes ago, we took a major step towards that goal by entering into a US$1.1 billion cooperation agreement with Google to fuel even more innovation and future product development in consumer hardware.

As you know, we have a decade-long strategic relationship with Google built on our industry-leading innovation and the development of premium smartphones. We have achieved several industry firsts throughout the history of Android, including the HTC Dream (G1), the first Android phone, in 2008; Nexus One (G2) in 2010; the Nexus 9 tablet in 2014; and the first Pixel phone last year.

Today’s announcement is a testament to our ongoing relationship. While the agreement will change the way some of us work and the company we work for, it does not change the commitment we share with Google – and our other partners – to develop the high quality products expected of us by consumers around the world.

Under the agreement, the Powered by HTC teams that are already working with Google to develop Pixel smartphones will join Google. Powered by HTC is a team we established two years ago to devote specific product development resources to partners like Google. As a result of our successful collaboration on Pixel, Google will bring on board the Powered by HTC employees, a talented team which is already well-versed in Pixel, to support Pixel smartphones. Separately, Google will receive a non-exclusive license for HTC intellectual property (IP).

We remain fully committed to our branded smartphone business. We have already started working on our next flagship smartphone following the launch of the remarkable HTC U11 earlier this year. This agreement supports our smartphone strategy, enabling a more streamlined product portfolio, greater operational efficiency and financial flexibility. We will also continue to build out the virtual reality ecosystem to grow the VIVE business, while investing in other next-generation technologies, including IoT, AR and AI.

Our Pursuit of Brilliance is never-ending and I believe we have the right strategy, world-class talent and a heritage of innovation that will drive HTC’s next stage of growth. As we look ahead, I am confident that our core strengths of innovation, engineering and system integration, combined with our strong IP portfolio, will continue to be the foundation for our success.

For Google, this agreement further exemplifies its dedication to smartphones, strengthening its hardware business. In addition to the talented and experienced team of professionals, Google will continue to have access to HTC’s IP to support the Pixel smartphone family.

Over the past several months, I have had the opportunity to work closely with Rick Osterloh, Google’s Senior Vice President of Hardware, and his team at Google, and I can assure you that this agreement represents a substantial investment in Taiwan as a key innovation and engineering hub. We should all be proud – this is a true testament to the engineering and innovation powerhouse that we have built over the last twenty years.

I know Google is thrilled to welcome the Powered by HTC team and we are excited for our colleagues who will be joining the Google family. This team will continue to play a key role in building the Android ecosystem and expanding Google’s hardware business.

I look forward to sharing more information with you over the coming weeks. In the meantime, it remains business as usual until the transaction is completed, which we expect to happen in early 2018. Prior to then, it means we all remain HTC employees and nothing changes in the way we work and communicate with Google. We have an ambitious agenda for the remainder of the year and need to stay 100% focused on our day-to-day responsibilities.

As always, I deeply appreciate your hard work and dedication to HTC that I see every day in our offices around the world, and that are reflected in all of our innovative products, and I am excited about what the future holds for us.

Best regards,


Cher Wang
Chairwoman and CEO


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