粉絲130萬! 正妹曬一張自拍照...45萬元馬上入袋

▲▼Sjana Elise Earp喜歡分享自己的瑜珈照片,希望能傳遞給追蹤者們正能量。(圖/翻攝自Sjana Elise Earp IG)

▲Sjana Elise Earp喜歡分享自己的瑜珈照片,希望能傳遞給追蹤者們正能量。(圖/翻攝自Sjana Elise Earp IG)


現代人喜歡在社群網站上分享自己的照片、影片和近況,讓許多素人變成網路紅人。來自澳洲的Sjana Elise Earp在Instagram上有130萬粉絲,她平常只要曬一張自拍照片,一天內最多可以賺到1.5萬元美金(約新台幣45萬元),讓她年紀輕輕就身價千萬。

據《每日郵報》報導,Sjana Elise Earp於1995年出生,她曾在15至16歲時患上抑鬱症,還自殺過許多次,最後一次她躺在精神病院的床上,突然有了想好好活著、不只是為了「生存」的念頭,因此開始勤練瑜珈,希望能找回健康和幸福。

▲▼Sjana Elise Earp喜歡分享自己的瑜珈照片,希望能傳遞給追蹤者們正能量。(圖/翻攝自Sjana Elise Earp IG)

報導指出,Sjana Elise Earp喜歡透過社群網站傳遞「正能量」,帶領她的追隨者看遍世界,因此她也完成了2次環球旅行。Sjana Elise Earp表示,抑鬱症像是一個大陰影,會讓人感到脾氣暴躁、心情很差,但自從她學會使用社群軟體之後,讓人生出現了重大轉變。

據了解,隨著追蹤者越來越多,Sjana Elise Earp也開始代言知名品牌,平常只要PO出一張自拍照,就可以擁有將近1.5萬元美金。她也喜歡在Instagram上分享關於健康、瑜珈、時尚、美食、旅遊和生活的照片Sjana Elise Earp提到,她會收到陌生人的「感謝信」,對方會透過電子郵件或訊息的方式,來謝謝Sjana Elise Earp的正能量讓人度過難關。

Sjana Elise Earp稱,「我覺得我已經克服了許多難關,但是其他人可能還沒度過,我發現我分享的個人經驗能夠幫助到他人,所以現在正嘗試傳播愛與微笑的正能量」。


In celebration of World Mental Health Day, I wanted to share my own story with you. For those of you who don't know, I haven't always been the bright, happy and care-free person you may see me as today. I struggled through a period of depression and anxiety, and for a long time I allowed it to control my life. I truly believed I was pathetic, worthless and useless. I openly share my story now because I am living proof you can fight back and take your life and wellbeing back in to your control. I share my story openly now because I have hope that maybe it can help even just one other person to seek help or to find their light. You can see my whole story by clicking the link in my bio. I hope you all have a fantastic day and don't allow those negative thoughts and feelings to stop you from living a whole and purposeful life. If you or someone close to you needs help, please don't be afraid to seek it

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