【英語多益通】高雄榮登10大旅遊城市 Lonely Planet怎麼說?


▲ 高雄捷運美麗島站光之穹頂。(圖/記者賴文萱攝)

文/Buffy Kao

國際知名的旅遊指南《孤獨星球》Lonely Planet公布2018年世界最佳旅遊城市名單,高雄成爲唯一入選的亞洲城市。《孤獨星球》是如何介紹高雄呢?我們藉此機會了解外國人眼中的高雄,也學學如何向外國人推薦高雄吧!



This ever-evolving collection of dozens of old warehouses is stuffed with boutiques, galleries, cafes and performance venues that line two sweeping boulevards by the port where ships are docked.


例句:It is said that people evolved from monkeys.(據說人們是由猴子演化而來。)

接下來我們看到be stuffed with,就是「用~填滿」的意思,stuff可以延伸變成動詞,就是塞滿的的意思,因為這個地方不會主動塞滿,因此他也通常用作被動態,要注意介系詞要配with而不是by,因為這個不是指動作者,而是表達「用~東西去填滿」的概念。多益測驗聽力部份喜歡混淆考生視聽,因此注意內容情境來判斷作為名詞或動詞用法,才不會被誤導。

Performance venue則是出現了我們常見的venue一詞,performance來自perform這個動詞,表演之意,performer後面加上「-er」就是表演者的意思。Venue是多益常見單字,表達場地的意思。多益測驗的情境常會看到公司要尋找辦活動或會議的場地,就會用這個單字來表達。


A growing number of young chefs and restaurateurs in the city are working to modernise southern Taiwanese cuisine, while shining a spotlight on local produce.

這邊用了一個常見的片語,a number of表達很多的意思,等同於many,注意這裡後面只能接可數名詞,因此chef和restaurateur都要加上「-s」表達複數。




Monday 5th April 2017

ELG is seeking an exceptional graphic designer to join its creative in-house team. This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of a unique global lifestyle brand.

You will be working on all print based materials both for marketing and in-house departments, including POS, in-store signage, look books, stationery to large format graphics. Each project will be designed from concept to completion.

The ideal candidate will be a versatile, reliable designer, with strong layout typographic skills, a good eye for detail, have print production knowledge, a minimum of 3 years commercial experience and possess a sound knowledge of CS suite and Office applications.

We can offer a competitive salary and benefits package. To apply, please email your CV and work samples (no larger than 3MB) together with a covering letter stating your current salary emailed to: recruitment@elg.com

Closing date for applications: Friday 23rd April 2017

1. What is the information above mainly about?
(A) technology development
(B) job opportunity
(C) computer system
(D) company rules

2. What is NOT mentioned about the ideal candidate in this information?
(A) all-round
(B) at least three years of commercial experience
(C) good eyesight
(D) print production knowledge

3. If you would like to apply, what do you need to do?
(A) Send your resume with work sample and current payroll information
(B) Get approval from your supervisor
(C) Renew the contract
(D) Send the package

1. 這題是在問這篇文章主要在說什麼?從第一句「 ELG is seeking an exceptional graphic designer to join its creative in-house team.」就可以明確看出來這間公司在徵才,這句的意思是說「ELG正在尋找一名傑出的平面設計師加入這個公司內部創意無限的團隊。」因此答案只能選(B)工作機會。

2. 這題問「關於這個工作人選,哪個資格並沒有提到?」
從文中第三段可以一窺究竟,「The ideal candidate will be a versatile, reliable designer, with strong layout typographic skills, a good eye for detail……」。首先提到適合理想的應徵人選必須要「多變圓滑的、可靠的,擁有強大的平面印刷技能,而且做事仔細,對於印刷品有基本認知,至少要有三年商業經驗,且擁有CS軟體和微軟應用軟體的知識。」

所以明顯地答案(C),因為have a good eye for ~並不是指視力要好,而是對某件事情有一定的敏感度或是感知。

3. 這題題目問「如果你想要應徵,你需要做什麼?」
這題則要看到文章的最後一段,「To apply, please email your CV and work samples ……」,這裡提到要應徵的人必須要寄履歷表、作品樣本和求職信到公司的email帳號,並註明目前工作薪水。因此答案要選(A)。

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※ 資料來源:內政部警政署165打詐儀錶板


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