蘋果市值突破一兆該做什麼?Tim Cook發信向賈伯斯精神致敬


Apple 公司本週發佈的第三季度財報當中除了說明是銷售最強勁的一個季度外,也預告該公司即將成為首間市值突破一兆的公司,美國時間 2018 年 8 月 2 日上午,該公司正式宣佈達成這個里程碑,Apple CEO Tim Cook 隨後向員工發出一份公開信,內容提到這是Apple創新的結果,並要員工向賈伯斯的精神看齊。

根據 Apple 公司發布的第3季度財報,該公司第3季度營收年增 17%,來到 533 億美元,iPhone整個季度賣出 4130 萬部、平均銷售價格 (ASP) 為 724 美元,高於第 2 季的 728.30 美元。對此,Apple CEO Tim Cook 表示,今年第 3 季為 Apple 歷史以來最強勁的第 3 季度,也延續了 4 個季度的雙位數營收成長。

而在隔沒兩天,Apple 公司股票於開盤持續上漲,突破 207.05 美元,收盤來到 207.39 美元,說明公司市值正式突破1兆。

路透社隨後取得內部員工信件,指出Apple CEO Tim Cook 向公司內部超過 12 萬正職員工發出一封信件,內容提到財務業績只是反應蘋果公司持續創新的結果,強調 Apple 的成功歸功於每個員工的奉獻精神、熱情與辛勤的工作。

不過仔細看這封信件,Tim Cook幾乎有將近一半的篇幅都在緬懷已故執行長Steve Jobs,他在文中強調,賈伯斯創立的蘋果公司,認為人類的創造力能夠解決最大的挑戰,同時也提醒員工要繼續創造驚喜和喜悅、保有讓世界各地人們豐富自己與他人生活的使命感,正如同賈伯斯在公司獲得成功時,做的事情一樣。



Today Apple passed a significant milestone. At our closing share price of $207.39, the stock market now values Apple at more than $1 trillion. While we have much to be proud of in this achievement, it’s not the most important measure of our success. Financial returns are simply the result of Apple’s innovation, putting our products and customers first, and always staying true to our values.

It’s you, our team, that makes Apple great and our success is due to your hard work, dedication, and passion. I am deeply humbled by what you do, and it’s the privilege of a lifetime to work alongside you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the late hours and extra trips, all the times you refuse to settle for anything less than excellence in our work together.

Let’s take this moment to thank our customers, our suppliers and business partners, the Apple developer community, our coworkers, and all those who came before us at this remarkable company.

Steve founded Apple on the belief that the power of human creativity can solve even the biggest challenges – and that the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do. In today’s world, our mission is more important than ever. Our products not only create moments of surprise and delight, they empower people all around the globe to enrich their lives and the lives of others.

Just as Steve always did in moments like this, we should all look forward to Apple’s bright future and the great work we’ll do together.



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