美國德州一名25歲媽媽亞歷克斯(Alexis Swinney)日前在前往醫院待產途中生下她的第5胎,而她的其他孩子就在車上全程目睹了生產過程,爸爸多明尼克(Dominique)甚至將這段艱辛的生產過程上傳Instagram,讓無數網友震驚。
![▲25歲媽媽亞歷克斯日前在前往醫院預產途中生下她的第5胎。(圖/翻攝自Instagram /theswinneyseven)](//cdn2.ettoday.net/images/3547/d3547398.jpg)
▲史溫妮一家。(圖/翻攝自Instagram /theswinneyseven)
![▲25歲媽媽亞歷克斯日前在前往醫院預產途中生下她的第5胎。(圖/翻攝自Instagram /theswinneyseven)](//cdn2.ettoday.net/images/3547/d3547399.jpg)
▲亞歷克斯。(圖/翻攝自Instagram /theswinneyseven)
▼影音如被移除請見諒。(取自Instagram /theswinneyseven)
There was something beyond special, about getting to deliver my own baby. No doctors or nurses, no lights, or busy people, no one interrupting a moment that should be the most special moments for families as they bring life into the world. The pain was there, but the joy and peace that followed in those minutes we got to spend alone with our sweet girl was more rewarding then anything I could have asked for. I honestly think that God allowed me to deliver safely in the car, instead of making it to the hospital, because He knew that my desire for a birth that was without interruption and full of hormones between baby and I, that desire was so deep. And something that the hospital just couldn’t provide for me. People are shocked and often apologize that I didn’t make it to the hospital. They don’t understand that I just experienced something unrivaled to anything I could have imagined. I witnessed my body take over and a baby be born into my hands. My body is not swollen, and I have no tears. I had my husband and children around me, and for 5 minutes, we embraced everything that happened without any interruption. Our family has preferred a unique chaos It was crazy. But it was Amazing. @birthtube @birthwithoutfear @gracedinbirth @mindfulbirthproject @empoweredbirthproject
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