
▲▼ 澳洲「有針草莓」引爆恐慌,平常放滿草莓的超市貨架空蕩蕩。(圖/路透)

▲ 平常放滿草莓的超市貨架變得空蕩蕩。(圖/路透,下同)


澳洲上周爆發的「有針水果」事件持續延燒,目前已有7間草莓農場的產品出問題。而多尼布魯克莓果農場(Donnybrook Berries)則是被迫倒掉數百萬顆草莓,農場女兒切昂(Stephanie Chheang)把影片分享到臉書,並痛訴「這無疑是我家人遇過最糟糕的事情」,且過往努力得來的成果在3天內就消失。


This is no doubt the worst thing to ever happen to my family. This here is a video of our strawberries being dumped, this here is worth more then you could ever imagine and within 3 days we lost it all. My mum Leena Lee Cufari and my step dad has worked years to build the empire they’re sitting on now, they put all their money and effort in to build such a successful business. They work hard to make the money for our family and to have these selfish individuals destroy it is just so upsetting. My mum works day through to the night, controlling the shed and her 250 employees, making sure her strawberries are packed to perfection. This will not stop my family from doing what they do best, if anything they’re going to do better. I thank everyone who supports us and all the other farmers who were affected by this horrible issue. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts *** To everyone who does not know, this is due to the needle contamination. We have to throw them out because the markets wouldnt take our strawberries due to the needle scare. ** video produced from Donnybrook Berries ** Donnybrook berries will be adding precaution and putting in metal detectors and other safety equipment we can think of to give our consumers the best quality strawberries.

Stephanie Chheang 發佈於 2018年9月17日 星期一

「我們必須扔掉它們(草莓),因為這場恐慌,超市不會跟我們拿貨」,切昂表示,她的母親Leena Lee Cufari及繼父花費多年時間和畢生積蓄,把農場經營得相當成功,如今卻被毀掉,「這無疑是我家人遇過最糟糕的事情,(這些草莓)比你的想像更具有價值,然後我們在3天內失去了(多年來的)一切。」


►澳超市草莓「暗藏縫針」!男誤食肚暴痛 疑農場前員工所為

►繼草莓香蕉後...雪梨超市「蘋果也藏針」 她差點給女兒帶去學校

▲▼ 澳洲「有針草莓」引爆恐慌,平常放滿草莓的超市貨架空蕩蕩。(圖/路透)


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