綜合外媒報導,「BEGINNING BOUTIQUE」是一間專門販售性感衣物的網路商店,不管是緊身上衣或是三點式的比基尼套裝,都應有盡有,這些衣服在模特兒的撩人詮釋下,更讓人心動難耐,彷彿穿上後也能如此性感。
GOOGLE GOALS .... BEND IT FLEX IT.... When you think you've got piles but you just need him to double check because you're out of anusol. Jlo, I'll be fucked if I'm bending over that hard for anything other than a bag of Maltesers. To all my new followers, I'm here to empower, support, encourage, make you laugh until you piss and show you how easy it is to give zero fucks over social norms. Dependant on when my period is due will depend on whether I post something sad because hormones give me the Debbie Downers (sorry to all Debbie Downers it's a really fucking unfortunate name). If you can manage all that legendary stuff then buckle in you beauts, fuck knows what's next. Yes, I have a spotty arse and you'll no doubt see it if you zoom. You're welcome. Much love, The gimp loving, spanx wearing, buck teethed, big nosed, munt shuffler X @jlo #googlegoals #funnyphoto #muntshuffler #spottyarse #legendsofkneedeep #nailedit #piles #whereismyendorsement #anusoliamwaiting #nopressure
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