▲ 當時當地氣溫直逼攝氏零下30度。(圖/翻攝自推特/Flight Alerts)
美國聯合航空(United Airlines)19日一架班機原訂從美國新澤西州飛往香港,但途中因乘客不適緊急轉降加拿大,隨後因天氣太冷導致客機艙門失靈無法關閉,最終250名乘客被迫滯留機上,已知當時機外溫度攝氏零下30度,在等待16小時之後,另架救援班機才降落,折返原先起飛的機場。
加媒CBC報導,聯合航空UA179號班機19日深夜自紐華克自由國際機場(Newark Liberty International Airport)起飛,但在起飛不久後,乘客出現身體不適的情形,經評估後決定轉降加拿大古斯灣機場(Goose Bay Airport),最終醫療人員來到機場,把生病乘客送至醫院進行治療。
#UA179 on the ground at Goose Bay(YYR) for 12 hours after medical diversion.
— Flight Alerts (@FlightAlerts_) January 20, 2019
Unable to depart because of an issue with one of the aircraft doors, passengers and crew still on board. pic.twitter.com/p6bulolTye
Nearing 8 hours of sitting in a @united plane on a tarmac in Newfoundland and Labrador, waiting for the supposed “rescue plane” to arrive. But Google Maps tells me I could walk to New York in about 20 days, so keeping that option on the table
— Steven Lau (@unoslau) January 20, 2019
Goose Bay officials just brought on Tim Hortons snacks and water. We were running out of food. Thanks to the local officials for their help.
— SONJAY (@sonjaydutterson) January 20, 2019
I did not. I took this pic.twitter.com/XoFp7xzgYf
— SONJAY (@sonjaydutterson) January 20, 2019
乘客達特(Sonjay Dutt)提到,當時一開始大家就被告知有一架救援班機已經起飛,準備帶他們折返回紐華克自由國際機場,但過了5個小時以後才有新的訊息;在進入滯留第10個小時後,水和食物的庫存量幾乎已經見底,後來才送來速食店Tim Hortons的餐點。
Finally got off plane, got on a bus and now waiting to be taken to new rescue plane to fly back to Newark. 16hours since we landed in Goose Bay. pic.twitter.com/nBb0zKwOba
— SONJAY (@sonjaydutterson) January 20, 2019
#UA179 finally getting on its way from #yyr Goose Bay airport #cbcnl @cbclabrador @cbcnews pic.twitter.com/Nm9DSDmlQw
— Jacob Barker (@JacobBarkerCBC) January 20, 2019