▲ 喬納斯.梅卡斯逝世,享耆壽96歲。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)
被譽為「美國地下電影教父」的立陶宛裔美國導演喬納斯.梅卡斯(Jonas Mekas)23日於紐約辭世,享耆壽96歲。這位前衛電影的領航者一生執導過70多部電影,先後與多位前衛藝術家合作,包括小野洋子、安迪.沃荷、約翰.藍儂等人。
在接受《衛報》記者哈藤史東(Simon Hattenstone)最後一次的訪問中,當時95歲的梅卡斯說自己只有27歲。他表示,「人在27歲後就會開始變老,梅爾維爾(Melville)這麼說過。人們開始不斷往回看。27歲時,你開始會想,『這麼做真的是正確的嗎?』你開始三思而後行。不過在這之前,你會說,『去你的,我不在乎,我做就對了。』」
▼ 梅卡斯表示,「人在27歲後就會開始變老,梅爾維爾這麼說過。」(圖/達志影像/美聯社)
It’s with enormous sadness and a great sense of loss that we share the news of the passing of Anthology’s founder, Jonas Mekas. He died peacefully at home, with family at his side. Jonas was the guiding force here at Anthology from its founding through to the present day, and even as he reached the age of 96 the idea that he might not be here in person to continue to inspire us has been inconceivable. But Jonas was nothing if not forward thinking, large spirited, and devoted in every fiber of his being to celebrating what is most vibrant in life and culture. His work as a filmmaker, artist, writer, and archivist (among many other roles) was animated precisely by a powerful, paradoxical balance between a preoccupation with the past and an inexhaustible openness to new ideas, forms, and experiences. What better model for confronting the fact of his passing, for balancing sorrow at his death with a celebration of the vitality of his legacy? His absence will be difficult to accept, but his spirit will continue to suffuse Anthology, New York City, and avant-garde culture around the world.
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