▲ 珍珠奶茶。(示意圖/記者許力方攝)
We need to remember that people who we work with are not out enemies, but co-workers.
She told a co-worker and her manager about the decision.
After all the hard work and accurate marketing strategies, the success of the product is no coincidence.
Under the partnership agreement, the two artists work hand in hand and develop a co-branded album.
Co-branded cards are credit cards tied to airlines, charities, and many more companies or foundations.
聯名的策略主要有兩種,產品聯名與(product-based co-branding)溝通方式聯名 (communication-based co-branding),大致有四種運用方向:
● integrated 整合式
● sponsorship 贊助商
● value chain 價值鏈
● innovation based 創新
品牌聯名合作的原因之一,可能是因為它們的目標受眾(target audience)相同。以數位廣告來舉例,在查詢漲退潮資訊的網頁上,可能會有釣具廣告;販售運動用品的網頁則可能出現健身房的廣告。
Representatives from each sponsor will attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony this morning.
The keynote will be about the latest integrated model of online bookstore consumer behaviors.
在聯名的過程中,通常會有雙方品牌識別物(brand identifiers)的結合,舉例如下。
● logo 商標:與Nike聯名的產品,通常會放上打勾的商標。
● color schemes配色:麥當勞的專屬配色是紅與黃;愛馬仕與蘋果合作的Hermes Apple Watch,錶帶是愛馬仕的經典橘色。
● mascots吉祥物:Beats的Line耳機上有滿滿的熊大。
The black vintage sneakers featuring the company’s logo are especially rare, as they never hit the market.
I am a big fan of navy blue and yellow color schemes, so the jersey immediately jumped to me.
策略結盟strategic alliance用法
聯名大多是一種策略結盟(strategic alliance),所以聊到聯名,就一定要知道結盟怎麼說才行。
alliance是從ally(盟友)變化而來的,所以透過盟友的結合為共同目標努力,就是alliance的意思。最有名的用法當屬Allied Powers(二次世界大戰時的同盟國)與Marvel Avenger Alliance(漫威電影復仇者聯盟)。
The new start-ups this year have formed alliance.
另一個常見的字是league(聯盟),有看棒球的讀者一定知道這個單字,美國大聯盟就是Major League Baseball,另外引發電玩熱潮的《英雄聯盟LoL》英文就是League of Legends。
It’s wrong to associate all the Muslims with ISIS.
The local charity foundation has financed more than 7000 students in the past decade.
最後,許多聯名商品還會主打數量或販售時間有限來吸引買氣。限量版的英文說法是limited edition,edition的意思為版本,而limit意為限制。接下來,讓我們試試幾題多益閱讀題,驗收今天的學習成果吧!
1. People often associate Boba Milk Tea ____ Taiwan.
(A) at
(B) with
(C) from
(D) above
2. _____ by Sabrina Fragrance and Leon Living, the new perfume has attracted large crowds of Fans from their respective supporters.
(A) To co-brand
(B) Co-brands
(C) Co-branding
(D) Co-branded
1. 正解為(B),題意為「人們常把珍珠奶茶與台灣相連結。」有所連結的用法為associate with,(A)的用法作為名詞時是有可能的,但是意思會變成「合夥人」,例如He is an associate at the law firm.
2. 正解為(D),題意為「由Sabrina香氛與Leon家居聯名推出的新款香水,在他們各自的支持者中吸引了大群粉絲。」看到分詞構句時,最單純的判讀方式是從by中判斷前文應為被動用法,被動應選過去分詞,選項中僅有(D)為過去分詞,故正確答案應選(D)。