媽載3孩+2狗上國道「停車狂吸海洛因過量」昏倒! 12歲女兒爆哭求救

▲美國佛羅里達州28歲母親史密斯(Tiffany Smith)載著小孩與狗狗開車上高速公路,停車吸食海洛因暈倒。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Volusia Sheriff`s Office)

▲史密斯載著小孩與狗狗開車上高速公路,停車吸食海洛因過量昏倒。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Volusia Sheriff' s Office)


美國佛羅里達州傳出一起離譜案件,28歲的史密斯(Tiffany Smith)於31日晚上開車載著3個孩子、2隻狗狗出門,一路駛上高速公路,卻突然在路邊停車,吸食海洛因過量昏倒。12歲女兒見狀忍不住大哭,驚慌地報警求助,幸好最後全員平安獲救。

Heroin overdose/child neglect arrest 10/31/19

WOMAN LOSES CONSCIOUSNESS ON I-4 AFTER HEROIN OVERDOSE; 3 KIDS IN MINIVAN Three children are safe and a Deltona woman was revived and charged with child neglect Thursday night after she overdosed on heroin, pulled over on Interstate 4 and lost consciousness. Deputies responded to the 114 mile marker on eastbound I-4 around 7 p.m. Thursday after a 12-year-old girl called 911 reporting the incident. Two other children, a 7-year-old boy and a 1-year-old boy, were in the minivan at the time. After 28-year-old Tiffany Smith (DOB 2/1/1991) received a dose of Narcan from paramedics, she told deputies she was on her way to South Carolina with the children when she started to experience back pain. She said she stopped to take some heroin for the pain. The children were not injured and were placed in the custody of their grandmother. Two dogs in the minivan were turned over to Volusia County Animal Control officers. Smith was admitted to AdventHealth Fish Memorial hospital in Orange City, where she was in stable condition. She was not immediately booked at the Volusia County Branch Jail pending treatment at the hospital.

Volusia Sheriff's Office 發佈於 2019年11月1日 星期五

12歲女孩撥打911,一聽見調度員的聲音,忍不住大哭,「我媽醒不來,我們在4號州際公路(Interstate 4,簡稱I-4)的一輛車上!」她表示,身旁還有7歲與1歲的2個弟弟,以及2隻寵物狗,休旅車就停在公路邊緣的草地上,「我有打到N檔,因為我不知道怎麼打到P檔。」

▲美國佛羅里達州28歲母親史密斯(Tiffany Smith)載著小孩與狗狗開車上高速公路,停車吸食海洛因暈倒。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Volusia Sheriff`s Office)

▲史密斯表示,因為背痛又沒有止痛藥,才會選擇吸食海洛因。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Volusia Sheriff' s Office)

根據沃盧西亞郡(Volusia County)警長辦公室,史密斯被緊急送醫,施打一劑納洛酮(Narcan)才醒來,虛弱地躺在擔架上向警方供稱,原本要開車前往南卡羅萊納(South Carolina),但是背部實在太痛,才會停車吸毒,「我真的有吸食海洛因,因為我的背好痛!」她被員警追問時,嘟噥回應,「我沒有止痛藥,我的背很痛,我還要開車5小時。」

根據《紐約郵報》、WCTV報導,3個孩子沒有受傷,平安獲救,目前被安置到祖母家居住,2隻狗狗也被轉移到郡立動物管制辦公室(Animal Control office)照顧。史密斯正在奧蘭治城(Orange City)的醫院接受治療,情況穩定,但是由於犯下疏忽照顧兒童的刑責,出院後就要立刻坐牢。



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