美國前主播雙親確診新冠肺炎 父握醫護手走最後一程




前NBC6體育新聞主播凱博斯汀(Adam Kuperstein)6日在IG上表示,雙親都感染新冠肺炎,雖然只是輕微,但父親每況愈下,送往加護病房用呼吸器維持生命一週後宣告死亡,臨終前只有醫護人員緊握他的雙手,很遺憾自己無法陪伴左右。




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My dad died with a stranger holding his hand. With his wife of 43 years forced to stay inside their home, all alone. With his sons, stuck in the epicenter of this crisis, where never-ending sirens echo throughout a deserted city. All we could do was listen on the phone (from our separate quarantines), choking back tears, as the nurse informed us, “his heart stopped.” That’s when our hearts broke. We were shattered. A week of picturing the strong man we called “Aba,” connected to a ventilator in an Indianapolis ICU, was bad enough, but now we were forced to imagine life without him. I couldn’t. I can’t. And I can’t even hug my mom! She tested positive for COVID-19 too. Only minor symptoms thankfully, but at a time where she needed someone to comfort her, she was alone. It’s the cruelest part of this nightmare. She deserves better. He deserved better. My dad came to this country with nothing, the son of Holocaust survivors, and achieved so much. He made sacrifices for his family and taught his boys how to become gentlemen, never asking for anything in return. Just love. So please pay tribute to my dad by protecting your loved ones and yourself as the coronavrius crisis grows. Don’t overlook symptoms just because you don’t have a cough or shortness of breath. My father’s symptoms were digestive at first. My mom mainly lost her sense of taste and smell. And please send as much love as possible to the heroic health care workers trying to save us. My family never got to meet the nurses and doctors who cared for my Aba. But I know they did everything they could, even though it meant putting their own lives at risk. This is the last picture we took together. It wasn’t supposed to be. He had so much more love to give. We miss you Aba! #stayhome #coronavairus #covid19

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