▲阿富汗「戰神副總統」沙雷(Amrullah Saleh),傳出家中被搜出600萬美元現金與15條金條。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)
極端組織塔利班以摧枯拉朽之勢,火速攻佔阿富汗全境之後,總統甘尼(Ashraf Ghani) 被媒體爆出帶著大批現金倉皇離境,相較之下副總統沙雷(Amrullah Saleh)則是率領殘部在龐吉夏河谷(Panjshir Valley)負隅頑抗,甚至數度擊退塔利班部隊。不過塔利班13日聲稱,在沙雷的家裡搜出600萬美元(約1.6億元新台幣),以及至少15條金條。
根據俄羅斯媒體《衛星通訊社》(Sputnik)報導,阿富汗通訊社(The Afghan news agency)在社群媒體上分享一則影片,影片中顯示沙雷家中的財產,這影片的來源與當初爆料給《衛星通訊社》指出阿富汗總統甘尼帶著大量現金出逃的消息來源相同。
6.5$ Million Amrullah Saleh's house.
— Allies Left Behind Association H (@albaeva8) September 13, 2021
If loyal justice had been done, the country would not have fallen into the hands of few gunmen, they made the walls of their palaces out of dollars selling our Blood. Now all who has eaten the wealth of the nation must be asked & punished. ⚖️ pic.twitter.com/EgOlgRlITR