婚禮嗨到偷車!新郎「時速145km」狂飆藍寶堅尼 下秒撞爛燒成廢鐵

2021年11月16日 16:54
Wedding party Lamborghini crashes in flames in Bradford

Updated: Wedding party Lamborghini crashes in flames in West Yorkshire Appeal: Serious Road Traffic Collision, Wakefield Road, Bradford Police are appealing for witnesses after a serious road traffic collision last night (15 February) on Wakefield Road, Bradford. Roads Policing Officers were conducting static speed enforcement checks on the A650 Wakefield Road which is a 40mph limit and it is known locally as a hot spot for speeding. At 10.30pm officers clocked a green Lamborghini hire car driving at very high speeds and far in excess of the 40mph speed limit. The Officers witnessed the green Lamborghini immediately collide with a parked up VW Golf with a motorist sat inside, which in turn hit an unoccupied parked Kia on Wakefield Road at the junction of Elinthorpe Street. Three people were injured. The driver of the Lamborghini a 25 year old man, suffered head injuries and remains in hospital and the passenger a 25 year old woman suffered minor injuries and has since been discharged from hospital. The male driver of the VW Golf suffered minor injuries. Due to the nature of the incident it has been referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, who attended the scene last night. Police were not in pursuit of the Lamborghini. Roads Policing Officers ran on foot from their stationary vehicle to the scene of the collision to give first aid. Police are appealing for anyone who saw the green Lamborghini prior to the collision or the collision itself or anyone who may have any dash cam footage to contact police on 101 quoting log 1901 of 15 February or use the live chat facility at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/contactus An incident caught your attention? Get in touch now! Don’t leave it to others. Can you add to a story? ALL interactions with YappApp are 100% confidential. You will always remain anonymous, there are no exceptions. Add yourself now http://bit.ly/2Sia1ev Follow & Contact options Facebook Page http://bit.ly/368xthU Facebook Messenger http://bit.ly/31kfWlV Twitter http://bit.ly/2vGKdjf Instagram http://bit.ly/3aYvS1D SnapChat http://bit.ly/2TCqoDz LinkedIn http://bit.ly/31gjlSJ WhatsApp http://bit.ly/2Uiyh1g Email Contact@yappapp.co.uk YappApp turns you, the public, into reporters. We verify, edit, then share. Always first, always real ©️ YappApp

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英國布拉福郡(Bradford)發生一起離譜事件,26歲的扎曼(Ali Zaman)婚禮當天一時興起,竟偷走賓客價值20萬英鎊(約新台幣750萬元)的藍寶堅尼,載著新婚妻子外出兜風。他為了「耍帥」競速,一路飆到時速145公里,結果失控撞上另一台汽車,導致超跑撞爛並且瞬間燒成廢鐵。


據悉,案發當晚風雨很大,就連「雨滴都被吹成斜向了」,路況非常危險。法官萊特(Richard Wright)直言,被告的行為「非常愚蠢」,應該慶幸沒有更多人受傷。扎曼被指控危險駕駛罪名成立,判處180小時社區勞動、吊銷駕照一年,以及賠償傷患的醫藥費。


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