

▲ 接種疫苗。(圖/記者呂佳賢攝)

文/Buffy Kao

每年《韋氏字典》、《柯林斯詞典》與《牛津英語詞典》三大權威辭典會公布「年度代表關鍵字」以回顧當年全球關注的議題。像是2020年《柯林斯詞典》選出的年度代表字就是lockdown(封城),其他熱門單字有社交距離(social distancing)、自我隔離(self-isolate)、無薪假(furlough),這些單字都成為全球抗疫經驗的同義詞。今年《韋氏字典》和《牛津英語詞典》都選出「疫苗」作為2021年的代表字。

Earlier this month, lexicographers at the Oxford English Dictionary chose “vax” as their word of the year, due to an explosion in the use of related terms such as “vaxxed” and “anti-vaxxer”. The word “vax” was first recorded in English in 1799, with “vaccinate” and “vaccination” first appearing a year later. (VERVE TIMES )




The children were vaccinated against the major childhood diseases.


explosion (n.)「爆炸、大量」來自於動詞explode,字尾「-sion」作名詞變化,另外延伸出「激增」的意思。字首「ex-」有「往外」的意思,因此表示爆炸是由內向外炸開。

A bomb exploded at one of the capital's busiest railway stations this morning.

The population has exploded in the last ten years.

The choice of word of 2021 was a seemingly obvious one for the US publisher, which said searches for “vaccine” on its website increased by 601% compared with last year…. The change from the pre-pandemic days of 2019 is even more stark, said the dictionary maker, with searches for the word soaring by 1,048%. (Knowledia)
(2021年所選的單字對於美國這家出版社而言非常明顯,該網站上「疫苗」一詞的搜索量相較去年增加了601%…根據字典商(韋氏字典)表示,與疫情前的2019年相比更是顯著,該單字的搜索量飆升了 1,048%。)

increase、soar 飆升

obvious/stark (adj.)「明顯的、顯著的」。兩個單字用以表示某個明顯的現象,obvious加上「-ly」就是副詞變化obviously,常用的句型有It's obvious that +子句,而that句型後要接一個明顯的事實,且必須是要完整的子句。

There is no obvious solution.

It's obvious that she doesn’t like him.


The stark reality is that we are operating at a huge loss.

The children were splashing in the river, stark naked.

stark naked等同於completely naked(完全裸露)的意思。值得注意的是,同義詞替換的閱讀寫作技巧也是多益測驗的必備重要技能之一。

pre-pandemic (adj.)「疫情前的」。pandemic獲選為2020年《韋氏字典》的年度單字,形容一場「大規模蔓延的疾病」;而字首「pre-」有「在…之前」的意思,因此pre-pandemic很明顯就是「疫情前的」。

與字首「pre-」常見的單字有pre-order (預定)、preview(預習)、predict(預測,dict有「say(說)」的意思,因此預先說就是預測)等單字;其相對的意思為字首「post-」,代表「在…之後」,如post-war(戰後的)、postscript(後記,script有「write(寫)」的意思,事後寫下來就是後記)等,因此或許我們可以期待未來的年度關鍵字包含了post-pandemic,代表我們已經渡過了疫情的肆虐了。

In some parts of the world, malaria is still pandemic.

increase/soar (v.)「上升、增加」。increase當動詞時將重音放在第二音節[ɪnˋkris],作名詞時則把重音節往前移,變成[ˋɪnkris],此為英文發音常見作法,藉此區分溝通時對方是用作何種詞性,並依此來判斷語意。字首「in-」代表「往上」,因此意思為「往下」的字首「de-」就是反義詞,decrease意思是「減少、下降」。


House prices soared a further 20 percent.


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1. Who are the main customers of ECI Printing?
(A) Chain stores
(B) Private individuals
(C) Universities
(D) Small businesses

2. What service is NOT offered by ECI Printing?
(A) Photograph developing
(B) Newsletter printing
(C) Graphic design
(D) Photocopying


1. 正解為(D)。題目問「誰是ECI印刷的主要客戶?」依照標題ECI Printing, Inc. Specializing in printing for small businesses for over 40 years(ECI印刷公司超過40年來專門服務小公司的印刷需求。)即可判斷出答案。故(D)為正解。

2. 正解(A)。題目問「ECI公司不提供哪種服務?」本題可使用刪去法。首先,在重點服務項目裡提到newsletters,因此不可選(B);句意提及All our graphic-design specialists to develop a logo for you.(我們所有的平面設計專家會幫您設計圖像標誌。),因此(C)也不可選;Black &white and color copying at the lowest prices (黑白和彩色影音最低價)更說明有一般的影音服務,因此也不可選(D)。故(A)為正解。

延伸閱讀》年度代表字出爐 回顧疫情年學英文


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