英國33歲女子柯琳絲(Mikayla Collins)2020年12月搬進新租屋處,但才住了10個月,廁所汙水管爆裂,排泄物、骯髒的濕廁紙從馬桶邊緣溢出,整間屋子都是排泄物,臭氣沖天,讓她不得不搬出去。
THIS IS BECOMING A JOKE! Just been home to feed my cats and my flat is getting worse and worse! What you can see is toilet water, washing machine water.. and all kinds of drainage from my upstairs neighbour (not their fault) as well as the contents of what's been flushed down the toilet. Yes, that is human shit you can see! This happened on the 22nd December which was 3 months after I first reported my toilet blocking... In that time, I had someone from Sanctuary Housing out once and someone from @metro_rod out 3 times... Each time it was a case of elimination, until the last person said "I think a pipe has collapsed underground" Since then I have been put in a hotel for the last 13 days and NOBODY HAS BEEN SENT TO MY HOUSE!!! I appreciate that the time of year makes things difficult, but this is causing a HUGE strain on my life and is DANGEROUS!! There could be any number of diseases in the air inside and around my flat and it is a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE!!! I'm shouting about this online now because IT'S TIME SOMEBODY BECAME ACCOUNTABLE AND FUCKING DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Any advice much appreciated! @chelmscouncil #sewage #sewageleak #failure #publichousingfailure #environmentalhealth #disease #danger #disgusting #humanwaste #neglect
由 Mikayla Collins 發佈於 2022年1月3日 星期一