

▲ 喬科維奇的球迷在法院外慶祝勝訴。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)


知名網球好手喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)為參加今年一月的澳洲網球公開賽,在上周抵達澳洲,卻因為簽證和疫苗問題,到昨日都還滯留在澳洲的飯店,可能與澳網無緣。但今天(10日)整起事件大反轉,法官在聽證會宣布推翻取消喬科維奇簽證的決定,世界球王當庭獲釋並可續留澳洲參加比賽。究竟整起事件的原起為何呢?讓我們來從相關新聞學英文!




Tennis star Novak Djokovic was denied entry to Australia after landing in Melbourne this week.
(網球明星Novak Djokovic本周於墨爾本降落之後被拒絕入境。)

His entry to the building will be denied for good.

喬科維奇遭拒絕入境後並非待在防疫旅館(quarantine hotel),因為防疫旅館是給可能入境,但需要隔離的旅客所使用。對於不確定是否能入境,但也要先隔離起來的旅館,稱為隔離中心(detention center)。detention在學校中指的就是「留校察看」,但在法律上的意思為「拘留」,近年知名電影「返校」就是以detention為名。


原型字根  移出  移入
Migrate 遷徙 Emigrate v.
Emigrant n. 移民(出)
Emigration n.
Immigrate v.
Immigrant n. 移民(入)
Immigration n.

Migratory bird 候鳥

He will stay in an immigration detention center before the court ruling comes out Today.

Immigrant population has hit a new record high last month.




Djokovic was granted a medical exemption to compete in the Australian Open as he had recently recovered from COVID-19.

Emergency services workers are exempt from isolation rules.

這樣的規則聽起來沒有問題,本次事件的主角也確實剛從COVID-19中康復,那問題出在哪?除了根據墨爾本媒體《The Age》指出,喬科維奇在機場時似乎拿不出文件證明他的豁免原因。另一個理由則是下面這句:

The controversy stems from the Australian government's insistence that a recent infection only offers an exemption for residents.


There will be no controversial topics in TOEIC Tests.

stem是「枝枒」,所以stem from就是「延伸出來」的意思。

Experts suspect that the recent COVID cases may stem from holiday gatherings.


A Green Card holder (permanent resident) is someone who has been granted authorization to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis.



Djokovic's lawyers argue that he had been granted a temporary visa by Tennis Australia, and should be relocated to a more suitable place to practice more before the Australia Open.

temporary的主要字根來自於tempo,字根表示「時間」,單字的意思則為「節拍」。所以temporary就是「暫時」的意思,temporary visa也就代表「短期簽證」。


A typical relocation package usually covers all costs incurred with moving.



Tennis star Novak Djokovic was denied entry to Australia after landing in Melbourne this week. As a result, he may not play in the upcoming Australian Open. Djokovic is currently the top-ranked tennis player. He will stay in an immigration detention center before the court ruling comes out the following Monday (2021/01/10).

Djokovic had a vaccine exemption to enter Australia even though his COVID-19 infection was confirmed by a PCR test on the 16th of December, 2021. Documents published on Saturday by Australia's Federal Circuit Court show that Djokovic was granted a medical exemption to compete in the Australian Open as he had recently recovered from COVID-19. Djokovic's visa was canceled on the 6th of January under Section 116(1)(e) of the Migration Act, which "allows for the cancellation of a visa where the holder poses a risk to the health, safety or good order of the Australian community, or to an individual within the Australian community." The controversy stems from the Australian government's insistence that a recent infection only offers an exemption for residents.

Djokovic's lawyers argue the player had been granted a temporary visa by Tennis Australia. His lawyers also say that he should be relocated to a more suitable place to practice more before the Australia Open. However, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic agreed that Djokovic should stay in the designated hotel until the final decision is made.

The Australian Open begins on the 17th of January in Melbourne. Djokovic will have less than a week to be there for the big game.

1. Djokovic is denied entry to Australia because
(A) he was recently diagnosed with COVID-19
(B) he did not have a visa granted by the Australia Tennis
(C) Serbian Prime Minister did not allow him to enter
(D) the Australian government believes that he may pose risk

2. According to the article, which is correct?
(A) It will be clear if Djokovic gets to play in Australia Open on the 17th of January
(B) Djokovic did not have exemption to compete in Australia Open
(C) Djokovic was PCR-tested positive for COVID-19 in December, 2021
(D) Djokovic is staying in the hotel suitable for his training before the Australia Open


1. 正解為(D)。句意為「喬科維奇被澳洲拒絕入境的原因是」。(A)最近確診反而是他擁有免除權的原因。(B)澳洲網球協會確有發Visa,但於1月6日取消了。(C) Serbia首相並未反對,而是表示應該要依照法院裁決。因此(D)「澳洲政府認為他可能構成風險」與文章內法條所述相符,為正確答案。

2. 正解為(C)。根據文章,哪一句是正確的?(A)不會等到開賽日17日,而是周一10日就會有答案。(B)第二段中有明確描述原本是有免除的。(C)第三段中表明目前所處的旅館並不適合,所以要求更換至可以訓練的旅館成為了律師的其中一點訴求。故應選答案為(C)。

延伸閱讀》學英文/入境歐盟不用小黃卡 數位疫苗證明有哪些優點?

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