A person there sent us this, doesn't want credit. Oroville Mayor Reynolds said there was an active shooter at an AmPm, 5 people had been shot. Then the suspect was in the Walmart nearby.
— Dylan Taylor Brown (@dylantbrown) February 3, 2022
A reporter is headed to the scene right now... #BreakingNews https://t.co/xT0gaxhSij pic.twitter.com/QMvx92OGiy
▲加州便利商店槍擊。(圖/推特/Dylan Taylor Brown)
奧羅維爾市長雷諾茲(Chuck Reynolds)表示,槍手在便利商店犯案不久後,又進入附近一間沃爾瑪(Walmart),造成「更多受害者」。但是,當局目前仍未透露詳情。
As of 8pm, the suspect is now in Walmart and more victims have been recorded. Please stay home and keep our law enforcement and citizens in your prayers.
由 Chuck Reynolds, Mayor of Oroville 發佈於 2022年2月2日 星期三