【英語多益通】全球掀起離職潮 「躺平運動」英文怎麼說?


▲ 春節年假結束後,有很多上班族興起轉換跑道的念頭。(圖/翻攝pakutaso免費圖庫)





台灣有PTT、Dcard,美國鄉民的集散地則是Reddit。這個名字是來自英文中讀過了(read it)的諧音。

Reddit is the largest online forum in the United States, and recently the members of this online community are encouraging each other to resign.


After a lengthy negotiation, the participants agreed mutually to terminate the contract.



There are thousands of subforums on "Reddit" called "Subreddit". One of them is named “Antiwork”. (https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork) Recent posts often bag more than 5K upvotes, and forum members are sharing complaints of their companies and bosses, and ideas about quitting work. The forum started in 2013, and according to a survey, most users are males in North America.


為什麼Antiwork版上的人都想辭職?主要的原因來自於剝奪感。動詞deprive表示「剝奪」,剝奪感就是sense of deprivation。世界上許多富人都會透過合法節稅的手段,降低所需要繳交的稅額,以致於部分企業需要繳交的稅額極低,甚至可能是零。而在歐美稅額又非常高,所以就導致了員工心中產生剝奪感,並感到不滿。

The most "liked (upvoted)" posts are often screenshots of resignation letters. It is believed that the trend stems from the fact that the rich can find ways to perfect tax deductions, while the employees need to work and being taxed heavily, leading to a sense of deprivation.

deduction來自於deduct(減免、扣除),在多益測驗中也常出現同義的另一組單字:reduce與reduction,「表示減少;降低」。deduct用來表示「應付金額的減少」,最常見的就是與tax連用,並有standard deduction(標準扣除額)的說法,相較之下,reduce則多用來表示減少花費、支出、或不好的事物。

Countries around the world are working on carbon emissions reduction.

躺平運動 Lie-Flat Movement

在美國的Antiwork風潮開始之前,中國其實就已經出現類似情況的躺平運動,英文以意譯翻成Lie-Flat Movement,原因也是因為付出與收穫不平衡的剝奪感。

At the same time, the Lie-Flat Movement has quickly gained attention in China. Numerous young Chinese people decided to drop out of the rat race as they find they can only be rewarded little compared with their efforts at work. As a result, they choose to do only the minimum amount of work to get by.

這段中有兩個需要解釋的重點,其一是rat race,表示「老鼠競賽」。老鼠競賽來自於老鼠籠,因為老鼠籠中的老鼠會一直滾著輪圈,所以就被用來形容「職場上工作者對名利的汲汲營營」。最後一句的minimum是「最低的」,反義詞是maximum「最高的」。


The Global Times columnist Ding Gang argued that Biden's real challenge is not China but an antiwork generation. Maybe it's a problem shared not with one country, but many alike.
(全球時代專欄作家Ding Gang主張美國總統拜登的真實挑戰不是中國,而是躺平世代。或許這不是一個國家面對的問題,而是許多國家共有的命運。)



1. denial (n.) 從deny (v.)否認延伸而來,表示否定
2. paid sick days 有薪病假,也可使用paid sick leaves
3. confirm (v.) 確認
4. implement (v.) 施行
5. deplorable (adj.) 可悲的、令人遺憾的
6. BC = British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞,位於加拿大
7. recourse (n.) 法律用語,訴諸
8. group grievance (n.) 集體申訴
9. file (v.) 法律用語中意思為「提出」
10. exposure (n.) 暴露
11. route (n.) 路線
12. solidarity (n.) 團結。因為這是工會文件,所以最後的結尾以「大家要一起團結」的in solidarity來收尾

                denial of ESA 5 paid sick days
Good afternoon Local 191 Member at            .

I regret to confirm the company’s denial of the (5) paid sick days implemented by the BC Provincial Government January 1 2022. This is deplorable decision by the company and I know all of you are very upset by this. I have been in contact with our lawyer for much of today to outline what legal recourse the Union will pursue on this matter.

The affiliate Union represented at              the              have agreed to file a group grievance to resolve this matter. This is happening today.

I advise all sick members required to miss work to file a Worksafe claim that tested positive for Covid-19 if you had a work place exposure.

It is unfortunate the company has decided to go this route, the Provincial Government has intended the (5) paid sick days for illness.

I will update you as things develop.

In Solidarity,


1. According to the email, the members in the union are preparing to file a group grievance because
(A) Some of the members are tested positive for COVID-19.
(B) Some of the members miss work.
(C) The Provincial Government has intended five paid sick days.
(D) The company decided to deny the regulation set by the BC Government.

2. Which is correct?
(A) This email is sent to more than 200 members in the union.
(B) The union will file a group grievance the next week.
(C) The union will keep its members posted on this matter.
(D) The five paid sick days regulation is effective starting from January 1st, 2021.


1. 正解為(D)。工會成員決定提出集體申訴的原因不是因為(A)有人確診、(B)有人曠工、(C)州政府給予五天有薪病假,而是(D)公司否認了政府所設定的規則(五天病假)。

2. 正解為(C)。信件一開頭便確切說明191個會員,故(A)錯誤。第二段最後一句工會明確指出今天就會採取行動,題目內容為下周,故(B)錯誤。(D)的年份有誤,第一段第三行中顯示應為2022年,選項為2021年。(C)為正確答案,因文章中最後一句話為I will update(更新事態),題目中依照多益題型常見形式換句話說,從update改成為keep posted,但是意思都是「更新進度」。

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