JUST IN Afghanistan state-run news agency reports more than 150 people killed in #earthquake in country's eastern province.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) June 22, 2022
Unconfirmed news & photos of casualties & destruction are coming from the different parts of the south east of #Afghanistan after the last night’s #earthquake. It is said that dozens are died in Geyan, Spere & some other districts of Paktika & Khost. More details to come. pic.twitter.com/opHE7ZTXnZ
— Kabir Haqmal (@Haqmal) June 22, 2022
Earthquake in Afghanistan: At Least 155 Killed After Quake of Magnitude 6.1 Hits Eastern Paktika Province.
— Rajan Kumar Jha (@RealRajanjha) June 22, 2022
(images from local social media handles) #earthquake #Afghanistan #Paktika pic.twitter.com/nKIP1DFD5T
阿富汗政府發言人卡里米(Bilal Karimi)在推特上表示,「不幸的是,昨晚派克蒂卡省4個地區發生嚴重地震,造成數百國人傷亡,摧毀數十棟房屋。我們呼籲所有援助機構,立刻派遣搜救隊前往災區,避免災情進一步惡化。」
《半島電視台》記者拉蒂飛(Ali Latifi)報導,依據當局最新通報,至少有100棟房屋毀損,有關單位已派出直升機展開救援,但災區地處偏遠,頗難到達。
Tragic news:
— Muhammad Jalal (@MJalal313) June 22, 2022
Last night’s earthquake has caused severe losses in Paktika province. Afghan Air-force is leading the rescue efforts. According to unofficial figures from local sources more than 255 people have lost their lives and around 155 are injured. pic.twitter.com/6knXaSlHSD