▲ 糖果。(圖/記者鄺郁庭攝)
文/徐碧霞 Valerie
加拿大糖果公司「Candy Funhouse」日前在求職網站Linkedin公開徵求全球獨一無二的職缺「糖果CEO」,只要年滿5歲、熱愛糖果、有創意愛玩耍,就可以應徵這份年薪高達230萬的工作。本次就讓我們從這則徵人廣告學多益測驗的職場英語吧!
Candy Funhouse is THE largest online candy store that specializes in all things confectionery with over 3500 products to choose from. … We are looking for the world’s first and only Chief Candy Officer!
(Candy Funhouse是最大的線上糖果店,專營所有糖果甜食製品,並有超過3500種產品可供選擇。 我們正在尋找世界上第一位糖果執行長。)
specialize (v)代表「專攻、專門於…」,後面會加上介系詞 in,名詞是specialty (n) 「專業」。
YRZ company specializes in retrieving lost data.
(YRZ 公司專門救回遺失的資料。)
招募網站上,通常會用responsibilities 或requirements兩個英文字說明職務內容,而糖果CEO其中一項職責就是要召開公司董事會會議,並使用專屬的CCO核准印章來批准(approve)新的糖果庫存需求。
As of 10/1, Ms. Hilfiger will take over Mr. Hansen’s responsibilities.
approve (v)解釋為「批准、核准」,名詞是approval (n)。
We will notify you via email when your application is approved.
require (v)代表「要求」,片語經常會用be required to + V。
You’re required to host two training workshops a year.
We regret to inform you that your skills and experiences do not meet our job requirements.
The deadline for submitting your application is August 31, 2022.
找工作除了網路上的職缺外,每到畢業季有些大學會在校園裡舉辦就業博覽會(job fairs),不少公司會藉由這個機會在博覽會裡設攤位,讓有興趣的畢業生們可以多認識公司和目前的職缺。
fair是一字多義,在TOEIC測驗中當形容詞時,最常出現的解釋分別為「公平的」以及「(天氣)晴朗的」;當名詞時,則有「市集、遊園會、展覽會」的意思,例如 trade fair「貿易展」。
Fair skies are expected for this holiday weekend.
Kensington Coffee provides fair trade coffee products.
Our annual career fair was held on June 3.
招募可以用recruit (v),名詞是recruitment,但recruit同時也可當名詞,解釋為「新進人員」。
All new recruits are required to attend the two-day training course organized by the Human Resources.
We launched the sales representative recruitment last week and have received more than 20 applications already.
Visit the company’s website can see a list of job postings.
post當名詞意思為position「職位」,如果有職缺時,可以用vacancy或是opening, 兩個單字的解釋為「空的、空缺的」,經常用在飯店有無空房和工作上的空缺。
Most hotels do not have vacancies during the peak season so it’s better to book early.
The sales manager’s position was filled very quickly.
1. Since the online job application system was down for two days, we decided to ________ the deadline to increase the pool of applications.
(A) meet
(B) extend
(C) require
(D) approve
2. ________ applying for the warehouse positions must be able to work nights and weekends.
(A) Despite
(B) Those
(C) For
(D) Who
1. 正解為(B)。語意為「由於線上申請系統當機兩天,我們決定延長截止日期以增加申請的數量。」本題是單字題,經常和deadline搭配的的動詞有meet the deadline「符合/趕上截止日期」和extend the deadline「延長截止日期」,故(B)為正確答案。
2. 正解為(B)。語意為「那些申請倉庫職職務的人必須能夠在晚上和周末工作。」本題是文法題,動詞是(must) be,因此需要找出適當的主詞,Those「那一些(人)」符合語意,故(B)為正解。