坦尚尼亞今(6)日發生空難,精密航空(Precision Air)一架客機試圖在機場降落時,不慎墜入非洲最大的維多利亞湖(Lake Victoria)。當地官員尚未公布是否有人傷亡,但證實機上共載43名乘客,目前累計26人獲救,而客機已經在湖中沉沒。
Tanzania's Precision Air plane crash lands into Lake Victoria as it attempted to land at Bukoba Airport.
— NTV Kenya (@ntvkenya) November 6, 2022
Reports say the crash was occasioned by bad weather; rescue efforts of 49 passengers on board underway.
: Courtesy pic.twitter.com/BZsSbRdQIi
▲ 坦尚尼亞客機墜湖。(圖/翻攝自推特)
《路透社》及坦尚尼亞媒體報導,PW 494航班從首都三蘭港(Dar es Salaam)起飛,但準備在靠近湖邊的布柯巴機場(Bukoba Airport)降落時,「由於強風與暴風雨,今晨墜入維多利亞湖」。當局已經派遣小艇,持續全力救援。
#Tanzania: Precision Air plane flying from Dar es Salaam to Bukoba crashes in Lake Victoria.
— Rogers Atukunda (@rarrigz) November 6, 2022
The plane reportedly encountered a storm at Bukoba airport and instead landed in the lake. pic.twitter.com/PP6xtwiZNv