在地震發生約10小時後,搜救人員在阿夫林區Jindires鎮一處倒塌的5層樓廢墟中,從瓦礫下救出一名剛出生女嬰。從網路流傳畫面中可看到,女嬰被拉出時,全身被覆蓋瓦礫碎片和灰塵,原本臍帶還是與母親阿芙拉(Afraa Abu Hadiya)相連著,動亂中奮力生下孩子才死亡。
The moment a child was born His mother was under the rubble of the earthquake in Aleppo, Syria, and she died after he was born , The earthquake.
— Talha Ch (@Talhaofficial01) February 6, 2023
May God give patience to the people of #Syria and #Turkey and have mercy on the victims of the #earthquake#الهزه_الارضيه #زلزال pic.twitter.com/eBFr6IoWaW
女嬰親戚哈利勒(Khalil al-Suwadi)受訪表示,「我們在挖掘時突然聽到聲音,結果發現這名女嬰,由於臍帶仍是相連著,所以我們幫忙剪斷臍帶後送去醫院」。親戚們後來持續在現場搜尋,花了幾小時後才找到母親阿芙拉、父親阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)與4名兄弟姊妹的遺體。
The "miracle" baby
— Layal Abou Rahal (@LayalAFP) February 7, 2023
Extended family members pulled a newborn baby alive from the rubble of a home in northern #Syria, after finding her still tied by her umbilical cord to her #mother, who died in Monday's massive #quake, a relative told @AFP pic.twitter.com/U1uJNsm3Od