Groundbreaking的發現 讓人興奮過了頭


▲ 《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》倫敦宣傳。(圖/迪士尼提供)



In late July, a groundbreaking discovery drew public attention. A South Korean team claimed that LK-99 exhibited superconductivity at normal pressure and room temperatures up to 127°C, contrasting with conventional superconductors that work at extremely low temperatures and pressures.
However, further investigations have shown that impurities, particularly copper sulfide, were responsible f


or its apparent characteristics of partial levitation over a magnet and sharp drops in electrical resistivity. Finally, multiple replication attempts dismissed the claim of room-temperature superconductivity in LK-99.

Groundbreaking 開創性的

In late July, a groundbreaking discovery drew public attention.

Thomas Edison lighted up the whole world with his groundbreaking invention of the first incandescent light bulb.

Exhibit 展示、展現

A South Korean team claimed that LK-99 exhibited superconductivity.

The old man who fell down the stairs was sent to the hospital the next day after exhibiting signs of headache and memory loss.

Conventional 常規的、普通的
這是convention這個字的形容詞型態,convention指的就是為「社會所普遍接受的規則」,這裡需要特別點出traditional跟conventional 之間的差異,其中traditional多的是代代相傳的文化層面,而conventional則沒有代代相傳這個概念,它主要是強調當下的行為被社會所接受,或者是社會普遍認定的價值。因此一位conventional 的人並不一定是要traditional,他可以對文化一無所知但是他的行為一定是符合著社會的期待。

Conventional superconductors operate at extremely low temperatures and pressures.

The conventional way of refusing others’ invitation in Taiwan starts by saying sorry first instead of providing the reason.

這個詞指的意思就是可以直觀察到的,它可以用來敘述一個人的情緒喜形於色,如第一個例句。另外它也可以用來敘述外顯的特質(apparent characteristics)、嫌疑(apparent suspicion)、效果(apparent effects)等等。

The anger in manager’s voice was so apparent that a sudden silence fell upon the office.

Copper sulfides were responsible for LK-99’s apparent characteristics of partial levitation over a magnet and sharp drops in electrical resistivity.

Multiple 多重的、多次的
相信如果你是一個漫威迷 multi- 這個詞綴你一定不陌生,想是前陣子奇異博士的電影標題Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》,就有multi-這個詞,multiverse就是將multi-加上universe這個詞所形成的新詞,意即多重宇宙,因此我們可以很輕易的把語意跟我們今天要去學習的新詞連結在一起。例如在這次的文章中,很多科學家會做多次的相同實驗(multiple replication)來重現韓國實驗團隊的結果,但是都以失敗告終。

Multiple replication attempts dismissed the claim of room-temperature superconductivity in LK-99.
(多次的復制實驗駁回了 LK-99 具有室溫超導性的說法)

There are multiple kinds of intelligences such as spatial intelligence and interpersonal intelligence.

Claire might have settled on a more ________ path of a married woman in Taiwan if she had not pursued her degree in Germany. “It makes me different and more confident in myself,” she said.
(A) apparent
(B) conventional
(C) ultimate
(D) groundbreaking

A good teacher should be able to offer ________ perspectives on the same issue, stimulating students to see things from different angles.
(A) multiple
(B) similar
(C) prosperous
(D) responsible

正解為(B)。本題為單字題,句意為「如果克萊爾沒有在德國攻讀學位,她可能會在台灣選擇一條更傳統的已婚婦女之路」各選項意思分別為(A) apparent 明顯的 (B) conventional 傳統一般的 (C) ultimate 最終的 (D) groundbreaking 創新的,(B)最符合句義,故選。
正解為(A)。本題是單字題,句意為「一個好的老師應該能夠對同一問題提出多種觀點,激發學生從不同的角度看待事物。」各選項意思分別為(A) multiple多元的 (B) similar 相似的 (C) prosperous富饒的 (D) responsible 負責的,(A)最符合句義,故選。

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