▲大量沙丁魚7日出現在菲律賓民答那峨島薩蘭加尼省的蒂諾托村莊沿岸 。(圖/翻攝自拉普勒新聞網)
綜合拉普勒新聞網、詢問者報等,大量沙丁魚7日出現在菲律賓民答那峨島薩蘭加尼省的蒂諾托村莊(Tinoto village)沿岸,當地人馬克巴亞(Mark Baya)擔憂這可能是某種預兆。
不過環境自然資源部專家西利洛(Cirilo Lagnason Jr)認為,海邊出現的現象與地震並沒有必然關聯,「這可能是湧升流(Upwelling)的結果,在這個過程之中,較冷的水被推向海洋表面帶來營養物質,包括浮游生物,也就是這些魚的食物,最終這些魚被困在較淺的區域,使得牠們更容易被捕獲。」
The beaching of juvenile pelagic sardines is not necessarily a sign of underwater seismic activity. This may be a result of upwelling, an ocean process in which colder water is pushed towards the ocean surface, bringing nutrients, including plankton—the diet of these juvenile fishes. As a result, these fishes are trapped in shallower areas, making them easier to catch. This phenomenon is also common in some areas of the Philippines, including Zamboanga, Masbate, and Dipolog. These fish may still be edible as long as they are consumed immediately or preserved. (Videos are taken at 6:30 AM, earlier to this, footage of these live fishes circulate in the net.)
由 Cirilo Aguadera Lagnason Jr. 發佈於 2024年1月6日 星期六
What is better than a morning with bountiful school of fish flooding the shoreline. Indeed Saganang Sarangani Bay. Location: Maasim, Sarangani Province Time: January 7, 2023 6:30 AM
由 Cirilo Aguadera Lagnason Jr. 發佈於 2024年1月6日 星期六