大眼正妹遭「南非獒犬」咬掉鼻子!動刀10次 術後PO照鼻梁歪一邊

▲▼美國賓州的26歲女子威爾遜(Jordan Wilson)2被狗咬掉鼻子,經歷10次鼻部重建手術後,外觀才大致復原。(圖/翻攝自TikTok、IG/@sincerelyjord_)




根據每日郵報報導,來自美國賓州的26歲女子威爾遜(Jordan Wilson)2022年4月和男友一起住在男友兄弟的住處,對方家中飼養了一隻南非獒犬(Boerboel)。她回憶,事發當時全部人都坐在地板上,而狗狗則被用牽繩拴住,「因為牠很有領地意識」。

▲▼美國賓州的26歲女子威爾遜(Jordan Wilson)被狗咬掉鼻子,經歷10次鼻部重建手術後,外觀才大致復原。(圖/翻攝自TikTok、IG/@sincerelyjord_)



▲▼美國賓州的26歲女子威爾遜(Jordan Wilson)被狗咬掉鼻子,經歷10次鼻部重建手術後,外觀才大致復原。(圖/翻攝自TikTok、IG/@sincerelyjord_)


● 以下包含術後照片,畫面恐引發不適,觀看前請自行斟酌。

威爾遜當晚跑了兩家醫院才找到整形外科醫生,先為她進行第一次緊急手術,並替她的鼻子傷口貼上人工皮。後來她遠赴德州達拉斯(Dallas)尋求外科名醫協助,接受了前額皮瓣(forehead flap)手術,進行鼻部重建,甚至為此搬到達拉斯居住6個月,先後經歷了9次手術,直到2023年7月又動了第10次重建手術,鼻部與整體五官外觀才大致恢復。

▲▼美國賓州的26歲女子威爾遜(Jordan Wilson)被狗咬掉鼻子,經歷10次鼻部重建手術後,外觀才大致復原。(圖/翻攝自TikTok、IG/@sincerelyjord_)


▲▼美國賓州的26歲女子威爾遜(Jordan Wilson)被狗咬掉鼻子,經歷10次鼻部重建手術後,外觀才大致復原。(圖/翻攝自TikTok、IG/@sincerelyjord_)


@sincerelyjord GRWM Forehead flap edition. I never go anywhere or dress in more than a T shirt and sweats. It feels good to feel somewhat normalcy again. #plasticsurgery #nasalreconstruction #dogattack #dogattackawareness #plasticsurgerytiktok #grwm #grwmroutine #fyp #fypviral #trending #healingjourney #spiritualawakening original sound - Jord.
@sincerelyjord Getting out in the sun has been a key player in keeping my spirits high on this long healing journey of mine. I highly recommend adding sun time into your daily practice/ routine. Red light therapy is also great for the colder winter months depending on where you live! I also almost never wear sunscreen, and I don’t shower for the first 2 hours past sun bathing to make sure I receive all the suns amazing benefit’s. Fun fact: Most sunscreens are extremely toxic for you, and are likely to cause skin cancer before the actual sun will. If you have a diet that contains seed oils, you are also more likely to burn! If you’re going to be in the sun for extended periods of time, opt for natural mineral sunscreens, or hats/ clothing to protect you. OH! A diet higher in copper will also help to naturally protect you from burning. The suit is from @abercrombie . This is not an ad, but I used to be a manager in Pittsburgh for them. Forever loyal to this brand! Maybe if they see my page, they will collab with me ???? #healthtok #sunbathing #sunyoursballs #plasticsurgery #dogattack #sunscreen #mineralsunscreen #abercrombie #abercrombieandfitch #abercrombieswim  Lofi Vibes - Gentle State


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