美國北卡羅來納州一個小鎮的水族館裡,一尾雌性魟魚「夏綠蒂」(Charlotte)在沒有與雄性魟魚「同居」一個魚缸的情況下就懷孕了,這起孤雌生殖(又稱處女生殖,virgin birth)的罕見案例不僅在當地引起轟動,更受到科學界關注。
根據法新社、美聯社報導,夏綠蒂是一尾雌性的加州圓魟(California round stingray),預估年齡大約介於12歲至14歲之間,牠在北卡州亨德森(Henderson)的水族館Aquarium & Shark Lab被飼養了8年多,期間皆未與雄性魟魚同缸,近期卻被發現牠懷孕了。
水族館人員2023年11月底發現夏綠蒂體內出現不尋常的生長,最初還擔心牠是長了腫瘤。夏綠蒂的長期照護員博耶特(Kinsley Boyette)表示,當魟魚不交配時,生殖器官有可能會出現囊腫,「牠的駝背開始越來越大,我們還想說可能是癌症。」
亞特蘭大的喬治亞水族館(Georgia Aquarium)研究學者萊昂斯(Kady Lyons)受訪表示,夏綠蒂是她目前所知、唯一一起圓魟進行孤雌生殖(parthenogenesis)的紀錄。不過她並不驚訝,因為其他品種的鯊魚、鰩魚、魟魚過去也曾經有過,在人類照料下無性生殖(又稱單性生殖)的情況。
萊昂斯解釋,孤雌生殖雖然不是從受精卵而發育、沒有雄性遺傳基因的參與,但夏綠蒂並非複製出另一個自己,而是透過雌性卵子與另一個稱為「極體」(polar body)的細胞融合,引發細胞分裂,導致胚胎形成,「大自然總有辦法讓這種情況發生。」
@_teamecco_ Take a look at our stingray Charlotte's ultrasound! Charlotte is a California round stingray who is currently expecting! Thing is, we have no male ray in the tank! One possibility is that the babies have gone through the process called parthenogenesis where the cell inside of the egg splits on its own and creates an exact clone of the mother. Another possibility is that she was impregnated by one of our 2 male white spotted bamboo sharks that we introduced to the tank in July 2023. We won't know for sure until DNA testing is done on Charlotte's pups. Stay tuned for updates on the pregnancy! #stingray #pregnant #aquarium ♬ original sound - Team ECCO
@_teamecco_ Today's update on Charlotte the stingray! Thank you all for your patience as we await the delivery of her pups! #aquarium #stingray #teamecco ♬ original sound - Team ECCO