

狗狗是人類最好的朋友,由於牠們聰明又忠誠,不少汪星人會訓練成專門照顧、協助人的狗狗,像是導盲犬、搜救犬和服務犬之類的...那酸可有聽過「糖尿病預警犬」(Diabetic Alert Dog)呢?沒有的話,今天就一起來聽聽「7歲男孩與黑拉拉」的故事吧..







Night alerts, where Jedi alerts to dropping blood sugars BEFORE they become dangerous in between the alarms we set to check on him. (just to clarify for people who just joined us Jedi catches dropping blood sugars before they go too low or very early on in the drop, we just call them all lows because to Jedi they are - even if it isn't technically a diabetic low - of under 70. We don't rely 100% on Jedi we have the dexcom CGM and still set alarms to check Luke over night because Jedi is a living breathing creature and can and does miss alerts as wonderful as he is he needs sleep too) Jedi jumped off the bed and started to alert (he's a big dog I always can feel him move around and jump off). I grabbed my phone to use for a flashlight and decided to turn the flash on and film what happened next. I missed the beginning of the alert but you can see him pawing the bed and yawning which is his stress signal that that something is wrong. Jedi caught this drifting down blood sugar at 72 which isn't dangerous in itself but it is low for night and Jedi knows when he's drifting lower so we can treat and watch closely - this early alert allows us to prevent as many dangerous lows as possible at night. Don't worry I immediately went to the kitchen to grab Luke a glucose tab - no Luke's or Jedi's were harmed making this video. A FEW THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE WATCHING THIS.1. Not all diabetic alert dogs alert at night. Jedi was a wonderful day alerter by the time he was one year-old but it took us until he was 18 months old with LOTS of training and LOTS of work to get him to alert at night. We still work on it and reinforce it to this day. He catches most things at night but he is a living creature that needs rest and if he's too tired he can miss and we never blame him for that. 2. Jedi's night alert includes jumping off the bed and doing whatever it takes to wake me up. He also bows for lows. 3. Luke wears a Dexcom continuous glucose monitor (an absolutely wonderful tool that everybody should have with or without a dog) it will alarm if Luke goes low but it is slightly delayed so if we wait for the alarms he would be lower. 3. At night we want Jedi to alert anything under 75-80 so that we can take immediate action. 4. My phone is within a few feet of me 24 hours a day since I track Luke's blood sugar on my watch that is Bluetooth connected to my phone. My phone, his kit, all his emergency supplies are on my headboard at all times when I sleep. 5. Jedi sleeps with me since I'm the one that he has to tell there's a blood sugar issue. He can smell Luke from my room with no problem. 6. Having a dog alert at night actually means you get less sleep sometimes. You have to acknowledge, reward and confirm every alert even if you're tired and you don't want to. 7. Oh and we love Jedi. he is family. (The baby sleeps right next to me so I'm whispering and I sped up the part where I was fumbling with Luke's finger prick he was moving around a lot and as you can see I have a bandage on my thumb due to stitches which makes testing Luke a little bit harder. Hopefully you get the idea of what alerts look like. It took a LOT of work over 3.5 years to get him alerting like this)

Saving Luke - Luke and Jedi - Fighting Type 1 Diabetes Together 貼上了 2016年3月7日



嗚嗚嗚~~~不覺得看完很感動、心暖暖的嘛? Luke雖身體並不如一般孩子健康,但有爸媽的疼愛跟Jedi的忠心守護,還是很幸福的...







「沒事的!」拉拉輕靠伴恐慌症新娘 找回幸福微笑

關鍵字: 拉布拉多1型糖尿病小男孩朋友幫助血糖守護糖尿病預警犬呆呆狗








酸家毛孩子睡姿算安好的嗎?XDD 呆家胖拉拉尚可,只是有時睡太熟就會豪邁了點..哈 那大家可有見識過「倉鼠」的睡姿呢?



酸酸記得312什麼日子嗎?今天正是...一年一度的「植樹節」啦~呵呵 這這有點特別的日子裡,有點難說種樹就種,但也因為同音的關係,讓人這一天總會想起" 他 "...學霸+人生勝利組3年A班「入江直樹」(いりえなおき)



美好的星期六又來臨了?今天酸要幹嘛呢?大部分的人都是宅在家吃吃睡睡、看看電視、滑滑手機對吧~XDD 呆休假也超愛這樣的..呵呵 那既然有空陪手機玩,不如一起測個小心理遊戲,看看你隱藏的「跟踪狂」指數有多少吧



酸自認小聰明如何呢?呆鬼點子倒還真的不少,考試時腦袋有一半的好轉就好了..呵 而日前,有一位韓國爸爸上網分享了,兒子平時為了偷用他手機採用的偽裝術










0113-0119本周星座運勢 金牛好運助長人際關係、射手別被謠言誤導

0113-0119本周星座運勢 金牛好運助長人際關係、射手別被謠言誤導
